‘Catastrophic implosion’ feeds sadness, search for

Nabil Anas

Global Courant

Canadian ‘salvage and salvage’ assistance up for debate

The “extent of Canadian rescue and recovery assistance” was discussed Thursday, the Joint Rescue Coordination Center and the Canadian Forces said in a statement.

Expressing “heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the Titan’s crew for their tragic loss,” they said, “This is truly an unfortunate outcome that ends the great efforts and cooperation between countries, armies and partners.”

With the operation “moving to salvage and recovery,” they said “all JRCC rescue assets will return to base to restore search and rescue capability and prepare for future search and rescue.”

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Explorers may not have had time to realize what happened, an expert says

The five people who died on the Titan “may not have had time to realize what happened” if the submarine imploded as believed, an expert said.

If the ship imploded, it likely would have “exploded inwards in a matter of a thousandth of a second,” Will Kohnen, chairman of the Marine Technology Society’s committee on manned submersibles, told Reuters.

“And it’s probably a mercy because that was probably a kinder ending than the incredibly difficult situation of four days in a cold, dark and confined space,” he said. “So this would have happened very quickly. I don’t think anybody even had time to realize what happened,” he said.

Photo: Titan search ships seen from space

Satellite imagery courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows deep-sea recovery vessels searching for the OceanGate Titan submarine near the Titanic wreck on Thursday.

From top: Canada’s Horizon Arctic, Bahamian vessel Deep Energy, and Canada-registered Skandi Vinland.

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Maxar Technologies/AFP – Getty Images

Friend of Rush describes the appeal of extreme adventure

It’s not for everyone, but for a certain type of adventurer, descending to the depths of the ocean in a small and cramped craft means “doing something extraordinary,” a friend of two of the people aboard the missing Titan submarine told Thursday. to NBC News.

It is in those circles that Per Wimmer operates, who describes himself as an astronaut, adventurer, explorer, philanthropist, global financier, author and private island owner.

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The Danish national, 54, said in a telephone interview that he is friends with Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, the company that chartered the submarine, and British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding, who were among the five aboard the vessel.

Wimmer described them as “adventurers” and said they were trying to “test the limits” and “do something extraordinary”.

Read the full story here.

Focus focuses on determining cause of ‘catastrophic implosion’

The days-long search for Titan has come to a devastating end as officials turn their attention to the cause of the “catastrophic implosion” believed to have killed the five people on board.

The U.S. Coast Guard said on Thursday that debris discovered during the search for the submarine was consistent with a catastrophic explosion. The debris was found off the bow of the sunken Titanic, officials said.

An analysis of acoustic data by the US Navy had detected “an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion” near the Titan around the time communications went down, a senior Navy official said. The sound was not final, but was immediately shared with commanders, who decided to continue the search, the official said.

‘Catastrophic implosion’ feeds sadness, search for

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