Civic empowerment against misinformation

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-28 11:06:48

It is a fact that a good part of the electoral campaigns have moved to the digital environment, with its potential for diffusion, risks and dizzying pace. In this tidal wave of data, opinions, accusations and counterattacks are frequent, especially in electoral campaigns like the current one, as well as the manipulation of versions, lies, reports of non-existent or inaccurate achievements, notes interested in promoting a candidate but disguised as info announcements or pieces of alleged news media. The latter, for example, occurred in the last campaign with the ruling party and it was their own strategists who, in a display of vanity, admitted it at an event held in another country.

You have to learn from mistakes and also from tricks and hackneyed tricks. To achieve this, it is necessary for the citizen to recognize his vulnerability and assume the decision to act proactively in the face of the avalanche of propaganda in all directions, of all colors and various arguments, which can turn the decision before the presidential polls into a predicament. legislatures and councilors.

Admitting such a situation is not weakness, it does not diminish the civic dignity of the voters, nor does it ever question their intelligence. Nor does it mean assuming a dogmatic skepticism closed to the search for viable solutions and proposals. On the contrary, being open to critical analysis and collation of information constitutes a kind of new literacy, an awareness of the digital environment. This, in turn, is based on the inherent logical capacity, the detachment of emotions and the search for the common good, which should be the objective of any elected official who may be.

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The greed for illicit enrichment and intolerance of freedom of expression, petition or action; compromising ties and unrealizable offers are some resources that many applicants for positions try to hide, conceal or justify with fallacious pretexts. This is where citizen training comes in to judge in depth, comprehensively evaluate and compare data, always in search of well-founded conclusions.

At Prensa Libre we are committed to democracy and the rule of law as a necessary condition to promote human development, foster competitiveness, legal certainty and audit government efficiency. We reject the extremism, despotism and abuse of power that do so much damage, especially through acts of corruption and conflicts of interest that damage the treasury and weigh down the future of the new generations. It is essential that citizens decide with an independent and formed opinion. Our daily commitment is to offer equidistant, verified and documented information. In the electoral period, this conviction is endorsed with the desire to strengthen citizen sovereignty.

With this founding ideal of service, Prensa Libre and Guatevisión are now offering, free of charge, a course against disinformation entitled “Learn to verify digital information”, with the valuable support of the Media Wise initiative, from the company Meta, and the prestigious global journalism institute Poynter. The training consists of 10 short videos with healthy practices to evaluate electoral information, which are sent by WhatsApp to whoever subscribes. The decision to learn how to combat hoaxes and distortions, especially those spread by venal netcenters, is within reach. You decide.

Civic empowerment against misinformation

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