‘Dark’ theory suggests that the mushrooms that spawn in ‘Super Mario’ hatch from ‘dead Mario’


It has been one of the classic games that was supposed to put people in a good mood.

So some may find the dark theory that Mario “continually dies and resurrects over his own corpse” to keep the fun going for everyone.

But in the times we live in everything can quickly take a turn for the worse so let’s be prepared…

The new theory comes from a 1996 artwork of the Super Mario 64 game that was recently resurfaced online by Twitter user ‘Supper Mario Broth’, who claims to specialize in occult content hidden in the Mario game. s.

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In a post this week the mystery user shared a black and white photo of the ‘1-up’ mushroom which adds a ‘lifetime’ opportunity to play.

On the surface it looks like the usual addition to Mario’s survivability, but below the surface, mushroom roots are seen growing out of the body of a long-dead Mario, as happens when users of the game lack the ability to past certain levels of it.

Along with the image, user Supper Mario Broth wrote: “A 1996 theory about Super Mario 64 suggests that 1-Up mushrooms spawn from the bodies of dead Marios, renewing the cycle of life and death.”

If the theory is true, every time we “swallow” such a mushroom during the game and gain power, it could be from the strength of its previous characters.

After hearing the controversial theory, one Mario fan wrote: “I don’t know how to process this information.”

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Another wrote: “I’m being burdened with curse information again.”

While a third said: “After this there is no going back. Now I am forever changed.”

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