Did you know that the human eye is full of


Global Courant 2023-05-01 15:40:43

So far we’ve learned about the collection of microbes that live in our stomachs and on our skin, which fortunately keep us healthy.

But these are not the only harbors of microbes in the body. The human eye contains a unique collection of microbes that make up what is known as the ocular microbiome.

When microbial balances are disturbed. then eye diseases appear.

Why the Eye Microbiome Matters

Studies show that bacteria living on the surface of the eye play a stimulating and protective role for the eyes.

According to experts, this microbiome can serve to create innovative therapies for the treatment of many eye diseases.

Even in the not too distant future, scientists will be able to process bacteria in such a way as to treat eye diseases more efficiently.

The microbiome of the eye is always at risk from bad bacteria that come from the air or from unwashed hands.

However, a large part of them are destroyed or eliminated thanks to the constant shedding of tears.

Scientists have identified four types of bacteria that reside in the eye.

It is about the types of bacteria: Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Propionibacteria and Streptococci.

This important microbiome is just as endangered by the use or abuse of antibiotics as that of the stomach.

Doctors often recommend the use of various antibiotics for many minor eye diseases that in many cases do not need such drugs.

Mild eye problems (such as redness) caused by viral infections are not treated with antibiotics.

Even bacterial eye infections can resolve in 7-10 days without major drug intervention.

Excessive use of antibiotics can also cause problems in the microbiome of the eyes causing infections, problems with immunity and even serious diseases such as cancer./AgroWeb.org

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Did you know that the human eye is full of

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