Free yourself from sinus problems permanently

Wang Yan

Global Courant

You don’t want to be one of the 37 million people in the US who have chronic sinusitis. More is spent on sinus medications than on asthma medications. About 400,000 sinus surgeries are performed each year. Many of these are repeat surgeries. Still, preventing and curing sinus disease is often very effective when you know what works. Since I have written two books on sinus prevention and treatment – the latest being Free Yourself from Sinus and Allergy Problems – Permanent – and have published over 30 medical journal articles on the subject, I believe I can help you.

Many of my patients are divers and pilots. They can’t take most sinus medications. So I treat drug-free when I can.

There are millions of microscopic “hairs” called cilia in your nose and lung system. These beat at a rate of 14 pulses per second to remove bacteria and viruses. When they slow down, bacteria can multiply. Postnasal drip is caused when cilia slow down and make the mucus blanket move too slowly. Note: With Acute Allergy, the cilia accelerate – your nose runs. But in the late stage of allergy, when the cilia are exhausted, the cilia slow down and sinusitis can result. This is why it is so important to maintain proper movement of the cilia.

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Step one; Prevention. Don’t blow your nose too hard. Hard nose blowing can move infected material into uninfected sinuses or into the ear. Provide regular cold bed rest and copious amounts of tea, lemon and honey. These help restore the nasal cilia that remove bacteria from the nose.

Step two; Do not overdose on medicines. At signs of a cold, do not rush to the pharmacy for cold pills, syrups, cough syrups. Your best medicine is rest and tea, lemon and honey. Tea should be green or black, with or without caffeine. Get rest and a good night’s sleep.
Just as important, make sure you complete the prescription your doctor gives you. The worst thing a patient can do is stop taking the antibiotic when she feels better. This allows the bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics.

Step three; Improve your immune factors. Don’t get cold. Don’t let fear and worry lower your immunity. Try to relax and smile. Instead of worrying about being sick – the more you worry, the sicker you get – listen to upbeat music and Broadway Musicals. Watch comedies that make you laugh. Sleeping well is vital. Yogurt and probiotics help your immune system.

Step four; If you develop chronic sinusitis, ask your doctor about using pulsed irrigation.
This is a saline irrigation that pulses at a rate that simulates your nasal hairs moving at a normal speed. When the cilia move properly, they move bacteria out of the nose. Pulsatile irrigation is especially useful in removing bacteria and biofilm and has no backflow problem. The less bacteria in your sinuses, the more chance you have of natural healing to solve the sinus problem. Other ways to encourage good ciliary movement include singing “ooooommmmm” in a low pitch. Jumping jacks and skipping rope also do this.

Avoid pollen and dust. Dustproofing the bedroom helps. Keep the nose moist – pulsatile irrigation and nasal gels and moisture in the bedroom.

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Avoid squeeze bottles and jars that flow back. It has been found that patients with chronic sinus disease use bottles that are contaminated due to the backflow problem.

Step five; Other aids: Plants pollinate at 5 a.m. and 5 p.m., so keep bedroom windows closed then. If you suspect that pollen plays a role, use the Pollen Calendar at to help you identify which pollen is bothering you. Once you know what it is, you can use OTC NasoCrom for prevention. Being stuck behind a diesel bus slows down your nasal cilia, so be sure to wash this off when you get home. The same goes for industrial toxins such as formaldehyde, copper dust and others.

Avoid diesel bus fumes. These can really turn off your immune system. If you’re cleaning grandma’s old dusty garage, wear a mask to filter the dust. If you are painting or spray painting, make sure the area is well ventilated or better yet, do it outside. This is because overwhelming exposure to chemicals can cause your system to become hypersensitive.

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Avoid heating in a new trailer. In a new trailer, a large amount of formaldehyde will be released due to heat. If the device is contained, you can be poisoned by it. This happened to the Katrina refugees who were housed in brand new caravans during the winter. Good ventilation is always important.

From Free Yourself From Sinus and Allergy Problems by Murray Grossan, MD Copyright 2009

Free yourself from sinus problems permanently

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