Government-run health care cannot work!

Wang Yan
Global Courant

It would be GREAT if our government could manage the US health care system successfully. I’d be all in if the government guaranteed everyone good health, and they were even remotely qualified to give such a guarantee. The truth is that we all face different health issues at different ages. The recent health problems I faced were treated by doctors, hospitals and nurses. I had made poor food and exercise choices and had a stroke because of those poor choices. Health care workers guided my recovery and no one from the government or the health insurance company ever visited me while I was in the hospital or recovering. The task of defining what a health care system looks like should be determined by you and your doctor, not the health insurers, government and lawyers who are currently the face of our health system.

The government i.e. politicians claim that we all need health insurance, but who pays the premiums, co-payments and non-covered illnesses and accidents? Will everyone enjoy good health because they have health insurance? Will health insurance be free for everyone since the ACA requires everyone to have a policy regardless of their individual health needs or financial position? In short, at gunpoint, “rhetorically speaking,” is the government forcing everyone to get health insurance? If it’s legal, where does the money come from to pay the health insurance premiums, or the health professionals who diagnose our diseases? Where does the money come from to fund the equipment needed to diagnose and/or treat our health needs? Where does the money come from for the buildings needed to house the equipment and facilities for the sick? These are just some of the questions I have for those who argue that government should be responsible for our individual health needs. Last time I checked, the government had no money to pay for anything unless they taxed you and me to get it.

What, you mean we already have a government-run healthcare system? Is that why my taxes are so high? Is that why I recently read in the paper that the government pays millions of dollars every year for fraudulent health care claims? Is that why doctors are leaving the government-run health system for more efficient private practices? Is that why the government makes criminals of Americans who prefer not to buy health insurance? Gosh, I hope the Obamacare administration manages better than our veterans’ health needs through the Veterans Administration.

Government-run health care cannot work!

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