Governments of Canada and Ontario and Robinson

Nabil Anas

Global Courant

The governments of Canada and Ontario have reached a proposed $10 billion settlement with the Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund, which represents the 21 Robinson Huron First Nations.

Since 2012, the Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund, which represents the 21 Robinson Huron First Nations, has been in litigation with the governments of Ontario and Canada for failing to increase annuity payments as income from resources in the treaty area increased.

“In 2012, 21 First Nations in the Robinson Huron Treaty Area came together to hold the governments of Canada and Ontario accountable in court, but we know that reconciliation cannot be achieved in court,” said Duke Peltier, spokesman for the UN. Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory. .

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“Canada and Ontario heard us and met us at the negotiating table to make this proposed settlement a reality.”

The proposed settlement is designed to resolve claims related to past annuities — compensation that should have been paid for 170 years since the treaty was signed in 1850. The proposed settlement includes $5 billion from Canada and $5 billion from Ontario to all 21 First Nations included in the treaty.

The Robinson Huron Treaty (RHT) is based on a nation-to-nation relationship between the people of Canada and the First Nations of the area.

Since the start of the mediation, all parties have agreed to keep discussions related to the mediation confidential.

It is important to note that this proposed settlement is past compensation. The Crown will continue to distribute $4.00 to the beneficiaries until agreement is reached on the future implementation of the Augmentation Promise. The future approach to asset and annuity income sharing will be negotiated following the finalization of the previous offset agreement.

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“This proposed settlement is an important milestone in the process and an opportunity to renew our treaty relationship,” Nipissing First Nation Chief Scott McLeod said in a statement Saturday.

“While also finally providing the compensation that allows the Robinson Huron First Nations to invest in a better future for their communities and grow the local economies in the Treaty Area.”

Chief Dean Sayers and other Indigenous leaders in attendance said the next step will be for the First Nations to begin a community engagement process with support from the Robinson Huron First Nations and Mizhinawe, an organization created by the RHT Litigation Management Committee . This process will begin in the summer and provide an opportunity to engage with beneficiaries to share more information and answer questions about the proposed settlement. Following the consultation, a report will be prepared and presented to the Robinson Huron Chiefs and Trustees within 8 months.

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“We have called on Canada and Ontario to fulfill the commitments they have made in the Treaty for the past 170 years,” said Chief Sayers.

“Our communities have suffered economically, culturally and socially because of this violation of the Treaty. The compensation of this settlement will ensure a stronger and brighter future for our people and our nations.”

Officials said, as with any negotiation process, there remains a risk of no final agreement being reached and asked for patience as they venture into these next steps.

The governments of Ontario and Canada will also have to go through their own internal approval processes to obtain approval to sign the proposed settlement.

“The proposed settlement is long overdue. For more than a century, the First Nations of the Robinson Huron Treaty have been asking Canada to address broken promises and work to build trust,” said Crown-Indigenous Minister Marc Miller Relations.

“Today’s announcement of a proposed settlement is an important step in the settlement of historic annuities through respectful and meaningful negotiations,” said MPP Greg Rickford, Ontario’s Minister of Indigenous Affairs.

When the case is finally resolved with the approval of the courts, each of the 21 First Nations will receive a share of the settlement proceeds. The collective nature of the Treaty annuity agreement requires financing and investment for community development as well as an individual component of the annuity. The First Nations will distribute this money to individuals. The amount each First Nation will receive has not yet been determined.

The compensation will be distributed among the leadership of the 21 First Nations under a distribution agreement passed by First Nation Chiefs and Councils. The First Nations will be responsible for determining benefit amounts to individual beneficiaries through a community process guided by the settlement agreement and the spirit of the Treaty.

“While there is still work to be done… My team and I look forward to visiting the communities in the coming weeks to share information about the settlement and hear directly from members how they would like to see the terms of the settlement implemented in a way that will strengthen their communities today and for future generations of Anishinaabe people,” said Harry LaForme, Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund representative.

Based on the proposed settlement agreement, all disputes related to the Treaty will be suspended.

Officials said this is an important step forward.

“Ontario is committed to renewing this important treaty relationship, and we would like to thank all involved as we continue to advance reconciliation and prosperity for Indigenous peoples,” said Rickford.

“The Treaty provides a framework for peaceful coexistence and the sharing of resources. We see this settlement as an opportunity to demonstrate the commitment of both Canada and Ontario to respect and implement our rights under the Treaty,” said Chief Sayer.

At the moment, the final agreement has not yet been signed. The proposed settlement will not be final until it has been approved by all parties and the past compensation claim has been discontinued by agreement of the parties and by order of the Ontario Superior Court.

Governments of Canada and Ontario and Robinson

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