Hamas: The US authorities is answerable for the continuation of the struggle in Gaza

Akbar Aziz

World Courant

Based on IRNA’s Saturday morning report from Palestine’s Sama information company, Sami Abu Zohri advised Al Jazeera: We don’t settle for any overseas army forces within the Gaza Strip.

He acknowledged that the Zionist occupation regime isn’t inquisitive about reaching an settlement to cease the struggle, and added: Al-Qassam battalions are able to confront the occupation regime if the struggle continues and prolongs it.

This senior member of Hamas went on to emphasise that the occupiers couldn’t destroy or weaken the resistance and mentioned: There’s nice confusion among the many occupiers and their military is combating aimlessly.

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Abu Zahari added: “The American authorities is a associate within the struggle towards the Palestinian folks and justifies the occupation regime’s aggression, and the Biden authorities is answerable for the continuation of the struggle by offering weapons and tools to the occupation.”

He additionally mentioned that the invaders ought to withdraw from the Rafah crossing and reopen it for the arrival of help.

Based on IRNA, after greater than seven months have handed for the reason that Zionist regime invaded the Gaza Strip with none outcomes and achievements, this regime is sinking an increasing number of into its inner and exterior crises.

Throughout this era, the Zionist regime has not achieved something aside from massacres, destruction, struggle crimes, violations of worldwide legal guidelines, bombing of reduction organizations, and famine on this area.

The occupying regime has misplaced this struggle no matter any good points sooner or later, and even after seven months, it has not been capable of pressure the resistance teams in a small space that has been underneath siege for years to give up, and the help of the world public opinion for committing apparent crimes. In Gaza, it has misplaced.

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Hamas: The US authorities is answerable for the continuation of the struggle in Gaza

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