Handheld Carb Counter for diabetes management

Wang Yan

Global Courant

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you should have been advised to watch your diet. That doesn’t mean you have to watch all your favorite foods walk out of your life. Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to produce or use insulin properly and this leads to further serious health risks. Carbohydrates such as sugar, starches etc. need to be converted into energy for daily activities and insulin is the hormone that does that. In fact, there are several dietary guidelines in diabetes, such as eating different types of nutritious foods, eating less fat and protein, and counting carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate counting is an important factor in managing diabetes and it’s worth learning more about. To understand and use carb counting effectively, you need to know what carbohydrates are, how to count carbohydrates, and how many carbohydrates your body needs. Many people with diabetes use carbohydrate counting to balance insulin and food. Eating more carbohydrates raises blood glucose levels, requiring more insulin to regulate sugar in cells.

In the carbohydrate counting system, to better manage diabetes, you need to add up all the carbohydrates in the foods you plan to eat. A lot of time must be spent tracking carbohydrates throughout the day. Carbohydrate counting requires you to know how many carbohydrates are in different foods. You may be thinking how it is possible to remember the amount of carbohydrates present in all the foods you eat. But don’t worry, you don’t have to remember how many carbs are in a sandwich, there are several ways to count carbs in your favorite foods.

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Details are usually on the food labels, you also get electronic gadgets and diaries that help you keep track of what you eat. An example of such a resource is the Diabetes Diary, which provides nutritional information for more than 500 foods. It is a handy pocket-sized diary that helps you find information about carbohydrates, fiber, fat calories, sodium, etc. for common foods. You can track your diet, exercise, blood glucose levels, and medications and record the details in the diabetes diary and associated logbook pages.

Track3 is another gadget that helps you count carbohydrates as it provides the nutritional information about meals and portions. You have the option to track exercise, track oral medications and insulin, log what you eat and when, and record glucose readings. This portable diabetes planner even provides an accurate carb count for the exact serving size of the meal you plan to eat. Information can be easily captured anywhere, anytime. It has carb details for over 6000 foods. This is the calorie counter and nutrition reference you’ve been looking for to control your diabetes. It helps you stick to your goals, track progress and stay healthy.

Carbohydrate counting is one method of meal planning for people with diabetes. You will be able to better control diabetes by balancing the carbohydrates you eat with your insulin doses. Carbohydrate counting also gives you the opportunity to enjoy a variety of foods as you learn how to include high-carb foods in your diet.

Handheld Carb Counter for diabetes management

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