He was escaping from the police and a neighbor stopped him with

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-18 22:29:57

He had been a fugitive in La Plata for six months. He had stabbed a newsstand and shot his 14-year-old son. They found him after an undercover operation for drug sales.

Gabriel De Souza (26) was wanted since August last year in La Plata. He had stabbed a newsstand and shot his 14-year-old son during the shop robbery. His accomplice had been arrested, but he managed to escape. In the last few hours, they recognized him aboard a motorcycle. While he was escaping from the police, a neighbor alerted what had happened and gave him a flying kick. The images of the precise moment of the coup went viral.

The event occurred on Tuesday, when police officers found him after learning that he was selling drugs in the area of ​​3 and 80, where covert surveillance was set up.

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In the vicinity, the agents saw him aboard a motorcycle. They called out to him and he sped off at top speed. The pursuit extended to 1:80. The suspect brushed against the cordon and fell to the ground.

Thus, he continued his running escape until he was stopped by a neighbor who acted as a vigilante and gave him a karate kick that made the suspect roll down the sidewalk.

A security camera recorded the moment Souza escaped on his motorcycle and several neighbors began to chase him. After his fall, he returned to the same point without the vehicle and was kicked by the neighbor.

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The moment of the kick.

That unforeseen and sudden maneuver allowed the troops to stop him. He had in his possession an unnumbered 22-caliber revolver, 16 ammunition, cocaine, and about four thousand pesos in cash. He also kidnapped the Honda Wave brand motorcycle in which he was traveling.

De Souza was placed at the disposal of UFI No. 7 of the Judicial Department of La Plata for the crime of “doubly aggravated robbery, attempted homicide, illegal possession of a firearm, violation of Law 23,737, resistance to authority and violation of article 289 of the CCP”.

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Six months on the run

On August 14 of last year, De Souza and Darío Romero -his accomplice- entered to rob a kiosk located at 16 and 80. They entered by force when the owners were closing.

De Souza stabbed a 42-year-old shopkeeper in the back with whom he began to struggle. Then, he wounded his son (14) in the arm, thorax and hip. Romero, meanwhile, began shooting with his firearm. He wounded one of the victims in the arm. Both criminals escaped on a motorcycle with 50,000 pesos, a cell phone, and jewelry.

Members of the DDI La Plata carried out field tasks, collected testimonies and surveyed security and communications cameras that finally allowed the identification of those involved. Romero was arrested on November 11.

The investigation continued to find De Souza, who was known to be selling drugs in the area of ​​3 and 80.


He was escaping from the police and a neighbor stopped him with

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