How to recognize a good gym? follow these

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-11 16:00:57

How to recognize a gym that offers good training conditions? Experts advise paying attention to the following:

– Personalized assistance

What devices are for me? How many reps do I start with on the leg press? To find answers to these questions, you must first know what physical state we are in.

Before the first workout, a gym professional should assess our endurance, strength, and mobility. Ideally, from this you can put together an individual training plan, adapted to our goals.

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The coach or trainer should also explain the exercises to us and show us how the devices work.

– Qualified personnel

Experts recommend asking at the gym what training and experience the trainers have. Because to guarantee good advice, the staff should be qualified. Ideally it could be a study in sports science or training as a sports or gym teacher or even a physiotherapist.

– Variety of training equipment

Endurance, strength, mobility: all of this should be able to be trained in the gym. And for that you need different devices.

For resistance training, an elliptical trainer, treadmill, and stationary bike are appropriate. For strength training, weights can be used. And for mobility, gym wall bars, mats and balance boards.

A good studio should also offer enough space. This occurs when the training surface is divided into different areas. That is, that the devices are separated from the weights or there is a space of their own for stretching.

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– Certifications

There are different certifications for certain classes. Find out which ones your chosen gym and/or trainers have and if they are complying with the regulations.

How to recognize a good gym? follow these

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