I am a proud American Muslim who is upset that my children cannot opt ​​out of our school’s gender mandates

Norman Ray

Global Courant

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Last week I stood among hundreds of parents from diverse backgrounds, but united in our shared concern to protect our children, affirm our constitutional rights to religious freedom, and the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to our deeply held moral values ​​rather than than whatever trend the government currently considers popular.

As a parent, imam, and proud American, I was shocked that Montgomery County Public Schools removed the opt-out option for material about sexual orientation and gender identity, which violated religious beliefs.

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Our simple request to restore the most basic of our rights – the right to opt out – met with a surprising backlash. The opposing side has no argument as to why they should deny us our fundamental freedoms and parental rights, so they have smeared us as bigots.


A member of Montgomery County Council even said that Muslims were on the same side as white supremacists, a deeply hurtful and absurd claim. As an immigrant from Africa, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would ever be called a white supremacist. Others criticized Muslims for collaborating with evangelicals or conservatives.

Ismail Royer and Shaykh El Hadji Sall join ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss discriminatory gender policies in Montgomery County public schools.

Yet none of these slanders will silence me or other parents in Montgomery County from the Muslim and other faith communities. The stakes are too high and our children come first.

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Schools should focus on academics, not indoctrination. The most recent data from the Maryland Department of Education has shown that 80% of Maryland students have failed state exams in math and English language.

Math scores have dropped in Montgomery County, especially for African American and Latino students. Rather than focusing on developing reading, writing, and math, MCPS appears to be intended to introduce topics such as gender identity to young children, which can cause confusion and harm.

MCPS educational materials teach that certain sexual behaviors or gendered lifestyles are morally acceptable and should be celebrated and praised. One of the ideas promoted to young children by the new MCPS curriculum is that it is perfectly acceptable for a boy to become a girl. Most Americans agree that such instructional materials confuse young children and negatively impact their emotional and psychological well-being.

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They endorse behaviors that Muslims and other Americans with traditional values ​​consider morally reprehensible. These materials reflect the values ​​of an elite, small group of school administrators who try to promote fringe left-wing values ​​against the wishes of parents. This is not about education; it’s about indoctrination.

As parents, we have a duty to instill values ​​in our children and guide their understanding of the world in ways that are consistent with our deeply held beliefs. Our fundamental right as parents to raise our children and pass on moral values ​​is under threat.

Maintaining parental authority is key to protecting our rights and preserving the family. Forcing children to learn a curriculum that conflicts with our religious values ​​by promoting behavior that we consider sinful violates religious freedom.

It is essential to address the misconception that advocating an opt-out option arises from or promotes hatred towards any group. We are portrayed as hateful for not celebrating modern ideas about gender identity and sexuality, ideas that directly contradict our theological principle.

Our simple request to restore the most basic of our rights – the right to opt out – met with a surprising backlash. The opposing side has no argument as to why they should deny us our fundamental freedoms and parental rights, so they have smeared us as bigots.

This is a lie. Muslim parents teach children to respect all individuals. I teach my children to honor and love all people, as the Holy Quran says that God honored the children of Adam, and our prophet Muhammad commanded us to love for our fellow human beings what we love for ourselves.

Accusing us of hatred is a tactic aimed at stopping debate and distorting our intentions. It tries to divert the discussion from protecting our children, supporting parental rights and upholding religious freedom. Allowing children to opt out is not an act of hate, and forcing Muslim children to accept behavior related to gender identity that we believe is sinful is not inclusion.

If inclusion means that the state or our schools favor the values ​​of one group over another, that will only lead to more tension and chaos. Moreover, it is un-American. Imagine the reaction of the mainstream media if Muslims asked schools to actively promote Muslim values.


We are not looking for special privileges to have our values ​​imposed and taught in schools. We do not ask for books that promote traditional Muslim ideals of sexuality. We simply ask for the right to opt out.

Montgomery County Council member Kristin Mink later apologized for saying gender studies “some Muslim families were on the same side of an issue as white supremacists and outright bigots.” (Montgomery County Council)

There is a huge difference between promoting respect and non-discrimination for all Americans and imposing a single set of values ​​on everyone. Unfortunately, MCPS are those who act like intolerant totalitarians by imposing one set of moral values ​​on everyone.

Now that we have just celebrated the 4th of July, I reflect on the fact that as a Muslim I learned to be a good citizen and a good American. I am so thankful to be an American living in a constitutional republic based on self-government and our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


These are values ​​my daughter fights for every day like a proud Marine. I am convinced that Muslims will continue to play a leading role in this battle for the soul of our country. If our children aren’t worth fighting for, then what is?

This problem is bigger than Montgomery County, and if we don’t stop it here, it will only get worse. To parents across the country who don’t put up with this nonsense – you’re not alone!

Shaykh El Hadji Sall is a Muslim Imam and parent of three children who attend Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. He has testified for the opt-out policy for the Montgomery County Board of Education.

I am a proud American Muslim who is upset that my children cannot opt ​​out of our school’s gender mandates

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