In a municipality K, IOMA leaves 40 workers from a clinic on the street

Robert Collins

Global Courant

On June 14, 2023, IOMA issued a resolution No. RESO-2023-2545-GDEBA where it ordered “to dispense with provider services” to Clínica Del Oeste SA in the city of Pehuajó.

The resolution, in recitals (order 4) indicates certain irregularities on the part of the establishment, based on an inspection carried out on May 10, 2023. Said irregularities (if they are such and/or of magnitude for a sanction) should give rise to the opening of an administrative summary according to Law 6,982 (creation of IOMA.), granting the provider the right of defense and/or discharge and then issuing a resolution that gives the healthcare institute the possibility of appeal. But none of that happened.

The same resolution, in the first article of the operative part, states that the provision of Clínica del Oeste SA is dispensed with by application of article 38 of the regulatory decree of the IOMA law No. 593/2022 (issued by Governor Axel Kicillof ) where it gives the power to the IOMA board of directors to unheard part, without administrative proceedings and without hearing the provider to dispense with its services. It should be noted that Clínica del Oeste SA in Pehuajó has been providing services for the Institute (IOMA) for 50 years without having any inconvenience or sanction, and overnight the possibility of continuing to be a provider is cut off.

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He wonders how some criminals stay free

Almost daily, after reading the news or listening to the radio and/or TV, we find out about serious and very serious crimes committed by some man or woman in our territory.

Generally, they also inform us of their leafy records in which murders, injuries, robberies, thefts, drug trafficking, fraud, extortion, etc., etc. abound.

The question naturally arises, how are the perpetrators of these crimes free? The answer to this question is not unique, since it deals with several causes, among which are the leniency of our laws and regulations, the zaffaronismo and guarantorism taken to the extreme, the permissiveness of many judges and a society sleepy by this inconvenient routine. . To this incomplete list we can add the deficient and insufficient education of citizens, the serious shortcomings of educators and their union representatives.

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