In Atlanta, Yellen publicizes sanctions towards the Mexican cartel

Norman Ray

International Courant

WASHINGTON — To additional the Biden administration’s efforts to suppress the importation of unlawful medication into the US, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen introduced new sanctions in Atlanta towards members of a Mexican drug cartel accused of trafficking fentanylcocaine, meth and migrants by the southern border.

Included within the sanctions are eight members of the drug cartel La Nueva Familia Michoacana, a notoriously violent group that competes for territorial management with a slew of different Mexican cartels.

On Thursday, Yellen additionally issued an advisory to banks to assist them establish and report suspicious transactions associated to the sale and buy of chemical substances and gear used to supply fentanyl and different artificial opioids.

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“Preventing fentanyl trafficking is a serious problem,” she mentioned in a speech Thursday afternoon on the Richard B. Russell Federal Constructing in Atlanta. “It will not be solved in a single day. However let me be clear: the president and I’ll do all the things we will to fight this disaster.”

La Nueva Familia Michoacana is considered one of Mexico’s strongest drug cartels, dominating giant elements of southern and central Mexico, particularly areas recognized for drug manufacturing. It’s recognized for the manufacturing and distribution of medication comparable to fentanyl and methamphetamine. The group is amongst those that have rapidly entered the more and more profitable migrant smuggling trade amid a historic wave of migration to the US.

The cartel relies within the southern state of Guerrero and is usually generally known as “The New Michoacan Household,” to tell apart it from an older gang that was largely pushed out of the western state of Michoacan within the mid-2010s.

In 2022, the Biden administration sanctioned cartel leadersgenerally known as the Hurtado brothers, for manufacturing “rainbow” fentanyl tablets, which the U.S. Treasury Division mentioned had been “a part of a deliberate effort to drive habit amongst youngsters.”

Yellen’s journey additionally comes after President Joe Biden signed the invoice into legislation REPLY the Fentanyl Invoice as a part of the extra spending bundle signed in April that, amongst different issues, declares the worldwide commerce in fentanyl a nationwide emergency.

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Fentanyl, a robust opioid, is presently the deadliest drug within the US. The Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention states that drug overdose deaths happen within the US elevated greater than sevenfold between 2015 and 2021.

Mexico and China are the highest sources of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances smuggled instantly into the U.S., in keeping with the Drug Enforcement Administration, which is charged with combating the unlawful drug commerce. Almost all of the precursor chemical substances wanted to make fentanyl come from China.


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Janetsky contributed to this report from Mexico Metropolis.

In Atlanta, Yellen publicizes sanctions towards the Mexican cartel

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