Lack of control, indolence and armed intimidation

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-10 11:06:17

Wide commotion caused the citizen complaint about twenty individuals who held long weapons during the equestrian parade of the main fair of Amatitlán last weekend. No one took responsibility for the escorts, but among the participants in the exhibition were mayoral candidates, ranchers, and horse breeders from various regions. Not to be missed: such a display is unnecessary and intimidating, no matter how hard it tries to disguise it as a supposed element of local color. If the guns are registered, it could be a foul; if they are not, a flagrante delicto.

High and medium commands of the National Civil Police (PNC) stated, when analyzing the videos, that apparently it was not a prohibited weapon to be carried by civilians, but what cannot be exhibited. An investigation was ordered, although it is unlikely that there will be deduction of responsibilities, since such display of power is, unfortunately, common in some regions of the country and not only at festive events.

Through the streets and roads of Izabal, Chiquimula, Zacapa, Jutiapa, Santa Rosa and Escuintla, vehicles guarded by individuals equipped with automatic pistols at sight frequently move. This, in the least of cases, since there are often rifles and machine guns that, according to the law, are for the exclusive use of the military and the police forces. War ammunition in the hands of civilians can also be seen in the basins of pickup trucks or agricultural trucks, for whom there is not the slightest legal possibility of authorization, not even by exception. For this reason, no attempt should be made to normalize violence or aggressiveness. The responsible use of firearms requires, among other things, psychological maturity, prudence and expertise.

The General Directorate for the Control of Arms and Ammunition (Digecam) was created in 2009 to modernize the possession and carrying registry, in order to guarantee the right of legitimate defense that assists all citizens or the provision of private security services. . In 2022 alone, 54,281 weapons were registered, an average of more than 150 per day. 68 percent were for individuals. In that same year, 5,195 first carrying licenses were issued. For this purpose, 3,949 evaluations were carried out for the permit and 717 were failed, which shows that not everyone is qualified. So better law enforcement is needed.

If by chance the PNC were to identify the armed subjects of Amatitlán, they must verify with Digecam if they have the necessary permits. “The person who holds one or more weapons and/or their accessories, carrying them in a visible manner, commits a lack of ostentatious or intimidating carrying. The person responsible will be penalized with suspension of the carrying license for six months and a fine of Q1 thousand to Q1 thousand 500”. If there is a recurrence, the cancellation is for one year, and if a third transgression is registered, for three years. Too lax for repeat offenders.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal recently admonished the mayor of Mixco for displaying a weapon in an electoral advertising video, which he demanded to remove, although he carries it in full view in most of his public appearances. The mayor argued that he is the head of the Municipal Traffic Police, but the argument was rejected by the magistrates, who indicated that if he did not comply he would receive a fine and if he continues like this, he would be denounced. He is not the first nor the only one, but an authority should be an example, at least to better deal with the exhibitionism of weapons at rallies, fairs or horse parades.

Lack of control, indolence and armed intimidation

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