Large healthcare organization fires its general secretary


Global Courant

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– Yesterday Frode Jahren received a message from the LHL. For many years he was a valued general secretary and employee of LHL. The fact that the central board sees no other option than dismissal is therefore difficult and this is not a decision taken lightly by the central board.

This is what chairman Else Magni Horten of the National Association for Heart and Lung Diseases (LHL) says.

LHL is a membership-based, nonprofit healthcare organization with more than 50,000 members. The association has had major financial problems in recent years.

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The 2022 accounts show that LHL’s equity has fallen to around NOK 70 million. For comparison: in 2017 this amounted to more than NOK 600 million.

Jahren declined to comment

It is a fundamental condition that the central government and the secretary general have mutual trust, says Horten.

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– When this relationship of trust no longer exists and it has not been possible to achieve a voluntary termination, a joint central board of LHL has come to the conclusion that it is right to terminate the employment relationship.

The central board will receive legal assistance in the dismissal case from Wiersholm partner Jan Fougner.

– I did not contribute to it and I think it is a shame for both LHL and myself that this issue is now becoming a media affair, Frode Jahren writes in a text message.

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– I have no comment on the central administration’s reasons for the dismissal, he writes.

Loan agreement

DN reported in June about an interest-free and unsecured loan from LHL to general secretary Jahren. In total the loan amounted to NOK three million.

This has been investigated several times since then.

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– The central board has received two external reports about the loan to general secretary Jahren. There are different conclusions about whether the loan is valid. In any case, it follows from the loan agreement that the loan must be repaid no later than one year after the end of the employment relationship, so the loan must be repaid no later than February 28, 2025, says chairman Horten.

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The board has temporarily taken the reports for information purposes.

– The board will have a separate issue about the loan case at a coming meeting, which will look at the lessons from the process, the conclusions in the reports and the further handling of the case, Horten said.

Jahren himself comments on the loan case as follows:

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– The only external report on the loan case was commissioned by LHL’s audit committee. The Audit Committee made a decision based on the report and in this decision they said that “now that the matter has been clarified, the Secretary General had reason to be in good faith and to consider that the loan agreement was therefore valid”. The second report has been drawn up on behalf of the central board and any comments on it must come from the central board itself.

Chairman Horten rejects any connection between the dismissal and the loan case.

– As far as the Central Administration is concerned, it is important to emphasize that the loan case has neither been decisive nor has it been the trigger for the Central Administration that now deems it necessary to dismiss Jahren, she says. (Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and/or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases via links that lead directly to our pages. Copying or other use of all or part of the contents may only be made with written permission or as permitted by law. For further conditions see here.

Large healthcare organization fires its general secretary

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