Marjorie Taylor Greene gives tips to Teachers Union

Akash Arjun

Global Courant 2023-04-27 05:18:58

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) just said something mean to stepparents everywhere by suggesting that they are not really parents.

During the House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus crisis hearing Wednesday, the Republican congressman decided to grill Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, about her credentials.

“Are you a doctor?” Greene asked, followed by, “Are you a mother?”

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Weingarten admitted that she was not a doctor and was “mother-in-law” and added that her wife was also at the hearing.

Greene then noted that Weingarten had not taught since the 1990s, to which the union leader pointed out that she would be a guest lecturer at Cornell University later in the year.

Greene grilled Weingarten about a tweet posted by the union leader supporting Twitter to suspend Greene, leading her to say Weingarten was more of a “political activist” than anything else on her resume.

After Greene ranted Black Lives Matter, Weingarten delivers supplies to teachers in Ukraine and COVID-19 school closures, Weingarten tried to speak out in protest.

That angered Greene even more, and she ranted at Weingarten for not being a biological parent, among other things.

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‘I didn’t ask you a question. What I want to talk about is your recommendations to the CDC, as not a doctor, not a biological mother, and really not a teacher either. So what you did is you advised the CDC? said Greene.

The exchange inspired Representative Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) to mention Greene’s unacceptable decorum and give Weingarten a moment to note that she is a mother, whether Greene thinks she is or not.

He later posted the exchange on Twitter with a defense of Weingarten.

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Naturally, many people were appalled by Greene’s vicious remarks.

To suggest that non-biological parents are not “real” parents is such a bad, odious statement that the natural conclusion of reasonable people might be to wonder whether Greene was misquoted or guilty of misrepresentation.

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But Wednesday’s diatribe wasn’t the first time she’s lashed out at non-biological parents.

In July 2022, Greene said children are in “great danger” as “traditional family values ​​are being destroyed”,according to

“The idea that mom and dad together — not fake mother and fake father — but the biological mother and biological father, can raise their children together and do what’s right for their children, raise them to have faith in who they are, their identity, their identity is, you know, they’re a child made by God…” she said during a segment of her Facebook show, “MTG Live.”

You can see Greene’s full exchange with Weingarten below.


Marjorie Taylor Greene gives tips to Teachers Union

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