Neighbors of Palín prepare community consultation

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-16 04:57:35

The Municipal Council of Palín, Escuintla heard about the request for a community consultation made by a group of neighbors. This is added to the one that the Municipality of Escuintla recently met on the same subject.

For this reason, for this Sunday, April 16, the municipal authorities are summoned for the appointment of the commission that will organize the community consultation with the neighbors. This activity will take place in the central park of Palín, under the well-known ceiba tree of the municipality at 8 o’clock.

“The organized society of Palín has an activity scheduled and the local authorities were invited to form the commission that will be in charge of carrying out the entire process, the elaboration of the regulations for community consultation,” Jorge Érick Urías Barrera explained this Saturday, member of one of the Municipal Development Councils (Comude) of Escuintla.

The request for community consultation is based on article 63 of the Municipal Code. In other words, more than 10% of those registered requested this process. The questions that would be being formulated go in the sense that, if they agree that the toll continues on the highway, or if they do not agree, the Comude representative advanced.

During this meeting, a date could be set to vote.

This month, the Council of the Municipality of Escuintla processed a similar procedure raised by groups of neighbors, and it is also in the phase of guidelines for the regulations and the definition of the date to carry it out.

On Friday, April 14, representatives of various organizations and residents of Escuintla also met with the departmental Governor, to learn about the future of the highway, which has a zone of influence in both municipalities of the South Coast.

After 25 years of a concession contract approved by Congress to the Marhnos company, it will end in the following weeks. Given this, there are several scenarios about what will happen with this stretch of road.

The main scenario is that the road section, its administration and maintenance returns to the State, and the CIV, through the Concessions and Disincorporations unit, must carry out the reception procedure, as well as the evaluation of the different parameters that the Marhnos dealer.

Another scenario is to renew the contract, but it is a process that must go through the Communications Commission, which is at an impasse due to the death of legislator Hugo Rodríguez, who was the president.

Neighbors of Palín prepare community consultation

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