the businessman Sáenz Valiente waits a week

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-16 01:41:17

According to his relatives, he is “very bad” for the death of Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes. On Tuesday Justice must define his situation.

After spending his days in business meetings, fishing in Patagonia and having fun at night in Buenos Aires, Francisco Saénz Valiente (52), the only one accused of the death of Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes (26), is going through his worst moment alone in a cell in Barracks.

The defendant for homicide aggravated by femicide, illegal possession of a weapon and supply of narcotic drugs is single and has no children. Despite having a large family, he is visited at Alcaidía 4 Bis Anexo, located at Avenida Vélez Sarsfield 140, by “some friends.”

“He’s sad about the girl’s death. He’s very bad,” explains a relative about the state of mind of the businessman who has been detained for two weeks, after Emmily’s death. The young Brazilian model fell six stories into the void from a window of the detainee’s Retirement department.

For the businessman with businesses related to agriculture and mining, trips to paradisiacal destinations are behind and now the important thing is to achieve his freedom. During his arrest, he sent Emmily’s parents a handwritten letter in which he maintains that the young woman’s fall was “accidental” and that he did “everything possible” to prevent it.

His lawyer, Rafael Cuneo Libarona, confirmed to Clarín that this Monday he will request the annulment of the businessman’s statement on Friday. The lawyer bases himself on the fact that the investigating prosecutor Santiago Vismara stated that the actions of Sáenz Valiente were decisive in the death of the young woman on the morning of March 30, but did not indicate what they were, which makes it impossible to defend the accused.

Francisco Sáenz Valiente is a businessman linked to agriculture and mining.

In the last hearing, held because Sáenz Valiente had to defend himself against the new accusations, he declared that he did not offer cocaine and tuci to anyone, both in reference to the Brazilian victim and to the other three women who participated in the meeting in the apartment, Lia Figueroa Alves, Juliana Magalhaes Mourao and Dafne Santana.

The tuci, also called “pink cocaine”, was again in the spotlight after the death of the young woman in Retirement. This drug is made up of two substances: a stimulant (derived from methamphetamine, such as MDMA) and some hallucinogen (usually ketamine). Its effect is stimulating, depersonalizing and euphoric. According to the defendant and Lía, one of the other women present, the night of excesses ended for Emmily with a “psychotic break.”

Precisely in his first inquiry, on April 1, the defendant spoke of the outbreak, and stated that the young woman became “aggressive” and that she looked for “a window to jump into the void.” Along the same lines, Lía, a friend of the detainee, testified even though she was not there when Emmily died because she left out of fear. Daphne had already left before.

“The girl was like ‘The Exorcist’, I was terrified. I thought she was going to grab a knife and kill us all,” Lía said in her statement. He even maintained that he took a glass to defend himself against her in case of an attack.

Emmily Rodrigues, the 26-year-old Brazilian girl who died when she fell from a sixth floor on Libertad Street at 1500.

The coroner who performed the autopsy, Héctor Di Salvo, confirmed that the young woman died from various injuries, torn organs and fractures compatible with the impact of the fall. The tragedy occurred almost at 9.20 on Thursday, March 30.

Although the toxicological results after the analysis carried out on the young woman’s body will be in two weeks, the autopsy has already yielded key data. Emmily had no defensive injuries or injuries compatible with sexual abuse, and there were no genetic remains in her body either.

For his part, the defendant acknowledged that he used substances since midnight, before the women arrived, and that the drug that was seized from the living room of his apartment located at Libertad 1542 was his.

The plan of Sáenz Valiente’s apartment and the window through which Emmily fell.

At no time did those present deny the use of drugs and alcohol, and the statements agree that it was a party of excesses, which had started at the Gardiner restaurant and continued at the Isabel bar in Palermo.

Next week is key because Saénz Valiente’s defense will try to get him released, while Tuesday is the deadline for Criminal and Correctional Judge No. 31 Martín Del Viso to decide the procedural situation of the businessman.

The question of how Emmily died haunts the corridors of the Palace of Courts, where they must figure out what happened: did she throw herself or was she killed? And in the event that she was murdered, who was the person who pushed her into the void and why?

Only two people have the correct answer, the only ones who were present at the time of the fall: the defendant and Juliana Magalhaes Mourao, with whom Emmily arrived at the Retiro building at 4:20.


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the businessman Sáenz Valiente waits a week

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