New Hampshire Senate rejects easing bill

Global Courant 2023-04-14 02:40:22

Sentences related to New Hampshire’s 24-week abortion ban remain in effect after the Senate on Thursday overturned legislation that would have overturned them.

The Republican-led Senate voted 14 to 10 along party lines to reject a bill that would have removed the civil and criminal penalties from the 2021 abortion ban after the 24th week of pregnancy. It also rejected adding an explicit right to abortion up to 24 weeks to the state law. Both bills passed the House, where Republicans have a slim 201-196 majority.

Democrats unsuccessfully argued that the state should codify abortion rights in the wake of last year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and ending nationwide abortion rights.

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“Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, this legislature has not taken a single proactive affirmative step to protect access to abortion,” said Hopkinton Democratic state senator Becky Whitley. “We have not taken any steps to reassure women that we do not intend to further restrict their fundamental rights. Words spoken on this floor are important, but they are not law. They are not enough. Granite Staters want action.”

Republicans insisted that the existing law is sufficient.

“I really think our law is crystal clear,” said Republican Senator Sharon Carson of Londonderry. “A woman can safely have an abortion here in New Hampshire up to 24 weeks. This is not necessary.”

The New Hampshire State Senate has rejected a bill that would ease civil and criminal penalties under a 2021 law restricting late-stage abortions.

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The votes came a day after a Texas federal appeals court ruled that at least temporarily upheld access to the abortion pill mifepristone but shortened the period of pregnancy when it can be used and said it could not be delivered by mail. could be delivered. The Justice Department said it would ask the Supreme Court for an emergency order to suspend any action.

As that lawsuit plays out, lawmakers in Democratic-dominated states are trying to protect access and Republicans are trying to tighten restrictions. New Hampshire lawmakers are considering more than half a dozen bills on both sides of the issue, but none have passed with the legislature closely divided.

On Thursday, Senate Democrats argued that the penalties associated with New Hampshire’s ban — up to seven years in prison and fines of up to $100,000 — have made it more difficult to lure health care providers to the state at a time when hospitals are grappling with staffing shortages.

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“If we let these criminal penalties stand, we’re sending a message to the providers here, and especially to those who are considering moving here, that we as a state believe that a decision that should fundamentally be between a woman and their doctor may be a criminal decision.” said Democratic State Senator Donna Soucy from Manchester.


But Republicans countered that the lack of a penalty would make the law unenforceable, and that there was no evidence the penalties deterred doctors.

“I think we need to see what the data is in a few years, and then we can really make an informed decision,” said Salem Republican Senator Daryl Abbas.

The House last month rejected several bills to further restrict access to abortion while quashing a proposal that would have asked voters to consider adding “reproductive autonomy” to the state constitution.


Republican Governor Chris Sununu, who considers himself an advocate for abortion rights but also signed the current abortion ban as part of the state budget, supported both bills that failed in the Senate on Thursday.

New Hampshire Senate rejects easing bill

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