North Korean troopers cross border into DMZ, South Korea fires warning pictures | Army information

Adeyemi Adeyemi

International Courant

The South Korean navy says between 20 and 30 troopers crossed the border early Tuesday however rapidly withdrew.

The South Korean navy mentioned between 20 and 30 North Korean troopers crossed the border between the 2 international locations early on Tuesday however turned again after South Korean troops fired warning pictures.

The incident occurred at round 8:30 a.m. (11:30 p.m. GMT on Monday) when a bunch of North Korean troopers crossed the navy demarcation line within the central a part of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Yonhap information company reported, citing the Joint Chiefs of Workers (JCS).

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The JCS mentioned the group rapidly returned after South Korean troops fired warning pictures.

Simply over every week in the past, an identical incident occurred within the central zone of the DMZ.

North Korean troopers cross border into DMZ, South Korea fires warning pictures | Army information

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