Operation Azm-e-Istehkam: Strategic Measures for Stability & Security

Nabiha Noor

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, approved by the government of Pakistan on 22 June 2024; marks a significant shift in Pakistan’s counter-terrorism strategy. It symbolizes a clear manifestation of a new push to combat extremism and terrorism, aiming to restore peace and stability across the nation. The name “Azm-e-Istehkam” itself conveys a strong message of steadfastness and determination. “Azm” translates to resolve or determination in Urdu, while “Istehkam” denotes stability or firmness. Together, these words encapsulate the essence of the operation; a resolute commitment to strengthening national security, safeguarding communities, and upholding the rule of law.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam aims to dismantle terrorist networks and eliminate operational capabilities of those infiltrating from across the border to carry out terrorist activities within the country. By neutralizing threats, the operation seeks to create a safer environment where citizens can live without fear of violence or coercion. Beyond military operations, this comprehensive strategy incorporates measures for long-term stability, including governance reforms, socio-economic development, and community empowerment. 

Pakistan undertook extensive major military operations between 2009 and 2017 in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) to combat the escalating wave of terrorism and insurgency. Operation Rah-e-Rast was one of the first major military operation launched in 2009, primarily focusing on Swat Valley. The operation aimed to reclaim control of the region from insurgents. Operation Zarb-e-Azb, launched in 2014, extended the military’s reach into North Waziristan Agency, a notorious stronghold for terrorist networks. Subsequently, Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad was launched in 2017 and it supported local law enforcement agencies in their mission to disarm and eliminate terrorists from all over Pakistan. This initiative marked a critical step in Pakistan’s comprehensive strategy to combat terrorism and restore peace and stability within its borders. Operation Azm-e-Istehkam has adopted a nuanced approach that prioritizes the protection and well-being of civilians alongside its security objectives. This approach reflects Pakistan’s commitment to upholding human rights and minimizing the adverse impact of conflict on vulnerable populations.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam employs a strategy of precision targeting, focusing on accurate and intelligence-driven operations to eliminate terrorists and dismantle their hideouts. This approach involves advanced intelligence gathering, leveraging cutting-edge technology and enhanced intelligence-sharing mechanisms, so that security forces can identify and track terrorist hideouts with pinpoint accuracy. Strict protocols are implemented to avoid civilian casualties and avoid the displacement of locals. Simultaneously, the operation emphasizes the importance of addressing the socio-economic factors that contribute to extremism. By investing in education, healthcare, and infrastructure in vulnerable regions, the government aims to uplift communities and reduce the appeal of extremist ideologies. These developmental initiatives are crucial in addressing the grievances that often lead to radicalization, providing alternative pathways for progress and prosperity. While Army is meant to fight the terrorists, it is crucial that the people actively participate in addressing the underlying causes of terrorism. Dealing with the phenomenon of terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes and systemic issues that fuel extremism. This also involves a collective effort to eradicate factors such as smuggling, criminal activities, and other illicit practices that fuel terrorist networks.

To sustain the momentum of Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, it requires a coordinated and multi-dimensional approach. Coordinated efforts involving security forces, diplomatic channels, and developmental entities are essential for comprehensive counter-terrorism measures. Strategic alignment across various sectors is also imperative. Additionally, legislative reforms are being pursued to enhance legal frameworks, strengthen law enforcement capabilities, and ensure effective prosecution of terrorist activities. These reforms are critical for creating a strong legal and institutional foundation to support ongoing security efforts.

Operation Azm-e-Istehkam is expected to have several significant consequences. Reduced terrorist activities and improved governance in affected regions can ultimately encourage economic activities and attract both domestic and foreign investments. Strengthening border management as part of the operation will help curb illegal activities such as smuggling and infiltration, thereby enhancing territorial integrity and reducing cross-border threats. By addressing the root causes of extremism through socio-economic development initiatives in affected areas, the operation aims to promote peace.

Furthermore, these legislative initiatives form part of a broad strategy to strengthen the country’s defence against terrorism. By enhancing legal provisions and judicial efficiency, Pakistan seeks not only to punish offenders but also to deter future acts of terrorism through strict legal measures. By addressing these legal gaps, Pakistan demonstrates its determination to combat terrorism effectively and uphold the rule of law. This commitment to safeguarding communities while dismantling terrorist networks is crucial for restoring peace and stability in the nation. As the operation progresses, the continued focus on protecting civilians and maintaining trust with local communities will be key to its long-term success, paving the way for a more secure and resilient Pakistan. The success of Operation Azm-e-Istehkam will likely have a long-term impact on Pakistan’s security landscape, shaping future counter-terrorism strategies and policies.

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