Organic farming: key to healthy living?

Wang Yan

Global Courant

What is Organic Farming? How it promotes a healthy life? Organic farming is a form of farming in which crop production relies on green manure, compost and organic pest control instead of using pesticides and herbicides. Therefore, such a process can help individuals to have a healthy lifestyle due to the absence of chemical content.

These organic farming methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many countries. In our cooperative, all our suppliers’ farms are certified fair trade and organic by an international certifying body. Fair trade in the sense that we follow the international fair trade protocol, especially with regard to wage demands and child labor laws. Organic also because the only fertilizer allowed on our farms is SALT. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.

With the increasing environmental awareness of the general public at home and abroad, the originally supply-driven organic movement is changing into a demand-driven one. For coconut farmers, premium prices attracted farmers to convert their farms to organic.

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Organic farming methods are a blend of scientific knowledge of ecology and modern technology, as practices are based on naturally occurring biological processes. It is also concerned with protecting the environment and working in harmony with existing ecosystems, including the conservation of water, soil and energy, and the use of renewable resources and natural agricultural cycles.

In addition, organic foods are not necessarily completely free of chemicals. They can be grown on land previously not used for organic food production and therefore may contain chemical residues. However, pesticide residues in organic foods are significantly lower than those in foods produced with synthetic chemicals.

Most people buy organically grown food products because they are concerned about pesticides, additives, antibiotics or other chemical residues. Although pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables are monitored, many people believe that organic food is healthier. Some people are concerned about the long-term health, economic and environmental consequences of genetically engineered foods and choose organic foods.

Organic food promotes a healthier and more sustainable use of natural resources. Modern agricultural practices, including overuse of chemicals, have led to a decline in soil fertility and an increase in salinity and cyanobacteria in waterways for many years. Organic farmers try to minimize damage to the environment through physical weed control and animal and green manure.

Organic food is often more expensive than conventionally produced food because organic farming is generally smaller in scale. Production is more labour-intensive and yields are generally smaller. It is a known fact that when you use herbicides and pesticides you get a high production.

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Despite this problem, we have a guarantee that our lives will be healthier, safer and longer if we patronize organic products.

Organic farming: key to healthy living?

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