Pakistan at its 77th

Laiba Khan

Iqbal once underscored a profound philosophical connection between freedom and sovereignty, stating, “Sovereignty is the immediate corollary of the conception of freedom.” What Iqbal meant was that true freedom cannot exist without sovereignty. For a nation or people to be genuinely free, they must have the power to govern themselves independently, without external control. Freedom, in this sense, is not merely an outcome of sovereignty but an essential part of it. Without freedom, sovereignty is incomplete, as the ability to make independent decisions and determine one’s destiny is fundamental to the concept of true freedom.

After 77 years of independence, Pakistan today stands as a symbol of resilience and strength, an impregnable state fighting both internal and external battles. The recent Independence Day was a vivid testament not only to the unwavering strength and valor of the nation but also to the unity, tolerance, and endurance of its people. As Pakistan continues to navigate complex challenges, its enduring unity and shared hope for a better future underscore the spirit of a nation that refuses to be broken.

This resolve was powerfully echoed by Pakistan’s military supremo during his address at the Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) Independence Day Parade. His speech served as a bridge between the strength of the people and the role of the armed forces, underscoring the deep connection between national unity, sovereignty, and security. He emphasized the military’s unwavering commitment to defending the country from both internal and external threats, while highlighting the resilience that has been a hallmark of Pakistan’s journey.

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The Chief of Army Staff’s (COAS) reaffirmation of the military’s commitment to combating terrorism underscores Pakistan’s multi-faceted approach to addressing militancy. His focus on the resurgence of militancy, especially in KPK, highlights the ongoing existential threat posed by extremist factions. However, Pakistan has made significant progress in curbing the influence of such banned outfits. This success can be attributed to a combination of sustained counter-terrorism operations, heightened border security, robust anti-terrorism legislation, and improved civil-military coordination. These factors have collectively reduced the operational capabilities of militant groups, marking a notable achievement in Pakistan’s broader security strategy. However, the persistence of the threat indicates that ongoing vigilance and strategic collaboration remain essential to completely eradicating terrorism from the region.

Acknowledgment was also accorded to the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) for their steadfast support of law enforcement agencies in the ongoing struggle against disruptive forces. He recognized their crucial role in maintaining stability and security in the region, acknowledging the bravery and resilience they have demonstrated in the face of challenges.

The Army Chief emphasized that the entire nation is deeply indebted to these courageous individuals, who remain unwavering in their commitment to countering those who seek to destabilize Pakistan. Their dedication not only bolsters the efforts of security forces but also reflects a broader spirit of national unity and determination. This collective resolve is essential in overcoming adversity and ensuring a secure and peaceful future for the country. This acknowledgment of the people of KP for their steadfast support of law enforcement highlights their pivotal role in Pakistan’s ongoing battle against disruptive forces and the acceptance and bravery of their sacrifices in the higher echelons. The Army Chief’s recognition underscores the deep interdependence between civilians and security forces in maintaining stability, especially in regions most affected by extremism.

General Munir’s emphasis on Pakistan’s ability to maintain a principled and stable stance amid rapid global and regional changes highlights the country’s diplomatic resilience. His acknowledgment of Pakistan’s commitment to pacifism, ethical governance, and peaceful resolutions underscores the nation’s strategy of aligning with international norms, despite the shifting geopolitical landscape. This approach has not only preserved Pakistan’s integrity but has also reinforced its standing on the world stage. The analysis reflects how Pakistan’s consistent dedication to diplomacy and ethical values enables it to navigate complex challenges while maintaining global respect and influence..

A clear desire was articulated for fostering strong and positive relations with Afghanistan by the Chiefof Armed Forces himself, emphasizing the critical importance of maintaining and enhancing these ties. He urged that efforts should be concentrated on building goodwill and cooperation between the two brotherly, Islamic neighboring nations. Undoubtedly, strengthening this relationship is essential for regional stability and mutual prosperity. Afghanistan needs to take decisive action against extremist forces in Afghanistan, specifically targeting those involved in un-Islamic and destructive activities. By addressing these disruptive elements with firm measures, both nations can ensure that their partnership remains robust and focused on constructive engagement, ultimately contributing to a more stable and peaceful region.

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Army Chief stated that “Pakistan came into being to stand out among the comity of nations. Pakistan is a fait accompli and it cannot be undone”. This powerful assertion underscores Pakistan’s indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. Despite enduring significant economic hardships and confronting persistent security challenges, the resilience of Pakistan’s people remains remarkable. Their collective fortitude not only upholds the nation’s sovereignty but also reinforces its position as a steadfast and enduring entity on the global stage. Pakistan’s military capabilities and the unyielding resolve of its people undoubtedly serve as the foundation for its continued stability and progress.

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