Pence stuns CNN anchor with nonchalance about ‘dangerous’ MAGA voters

Akash Arjun

Global Courant


Former President Donald Trump warned on a conservative radio talk show last week that it would be “very dangerous” for him to go to jail over the January 6 uprising, as his supporters are “an impassioned group of voters.”

But his former vice president, Mike Pence, who met a large group of impassioned Trump voters bent on his blood two years ago, seems unconcerned.

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“Everybody in our movement is the kind of American that loves this country, is patriotic, or people of law and order who would never have done something like that there or anywhere,” Pence told CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday’s State of the Union address. “I have more faith in the American people than that. I can hear the frustration of my former running mate in his voice, but I am sure that the American people in our movement will respond in a manner that will, as they have every right under the First Amendment, express their concern about what they perceive as unequal treatment of the law. But other than that I don’t worry about it.”

The writhing answer seemingly stunned Bash, prompting her to remark why of all people someone like Pence should be concerned.

“It’s quite remarkable that you’re not worried about it, considering they wanted to hang you on January 6,” she said with a laugh before trying to continue.

But Pence wouldn’t budge, refusing to let the CNN anchor “use a broad brush” to classify everyone in the Capitol as perpetrators of violence on Jan. 6.

“The people in this movement, the people who have joined our cause in 2016 and 2020, are the most God-fearing, law-abiding, patriotic people in this country,” he said. “And I just don’t support those kinds of generalizations because they have no basis in fact.”

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But Pence declined to comment on the person under investigation because he allegedly helped perpetuate some of the violence himself: his former boss.

Earlier in the interview, Bash asked Pence if the Justice Department should indict Trump if it finds evidence that he committed a crime related to the uprising. However, the ex-veep would only note that Trump’s actions were inappropriate — though perhaps not criminal.

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“I have often said that the president’s words that day were reckless,” he said. “I had no right to overturn the election. But while his words were reckless, based on what I know, I’m still not convinced they were criminal.”

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Pence stuns CNN anchor with nonchalance about ‘dangerous’ MAGA voters

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