Practicing post-cancer treatment

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Today, being diagnosed with cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence, but it sure is life-changing. The drugs and treatment protocols pumped into your body along with biopsies, surgeries, and complications take their toll on your body’s ability to muster the energy you once had for following a strict exercise routine program.

Some people go through several months of staging and assessment, depending on the type of cancer and their actual diagnosis. As you can imagine, it’s quite a break from any normalcy that their life seemed like a pre-diagnosis. Then comes the treatment options, the path to follow, financial considerations, and some family planning. Obviously exercise, meditation or walks all seem like luxury during these times, but it should be as urgent as their treatment protocols if possible for strength building and stress relief.

Once chemotherapy has played a role and hospitalizations often become necessary, exercise usually takes a back seat. Unfortunately, most hospitals do not have a system for integrating exercise into these patients’ treatment protocols. Even the worst patients can benefit from mild exercise such as walking, relaxation techniques, restorative yoga, chair exercises, light weight lifting, or any form of cardiovascular activity to help reduce fluid retention and muscle atrophy.

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After coming out of the revolving door of multiple hospital admissions, the weakness in the body is tremendous, not to mention many of these patients are sent home with follow up care and are still really sick and unable to live for to take care of himself. Medical visits last for many months, if not years. For many patients, blood-building injections such as Neupogen and Epogen are common and painful. Regular monitoring of blood levels called CBCs is performed to check the status of the white and red blood cells along with other important cells that are informative to the hematologist monitoring the cancer patient’s prognosis.

So when, how and what kind of exercise do you do? Cancer exercise classes are popping up everywhere. Yoga classes for the cancer survivor, swimming classes, exercise classes, but how about a mind-body class that can address the emotional turmoil while also rebuilding the body. Strengthen the mind and the body will follow!

A whole new level of fitness must be created for cancer survivors who are facing the aftermath of side effects from lymphedema after lymph node removal to blood problems such as neutropenia or anemia, Epstein Barr, chronic fatigue or even recurrent meningitis or histories or encephalitis from an offended immune system.

These practitioners will be faced with an increasing number of people with a medical disability who really need knowledgeable guides to ease their journey back to wellness.

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Practicing post-cancer treatment

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