Global Courant 2023-05-06 02:18:15
In front of the truth machine in “Let me talk”, Kiara Tito said that as a traditional bride, she will have a relationship with her partner, Luiz Eille after the wedding.
Excerpt from the conversation:
Romeo: A traditional couple make love after the wedding?
Kiara: Yes, it will. Logically (laughs)
Romeo: After the wedding?
Ezeli (the truth machine) denies the authenticity of the answer
Romeo: I wonder what that means?
Kiara: Nothing, we hugged. But why does Ezel misinform like this?
Romeo: This makes you tired of the interview, who knows what he has done to that desolate Luiz (laughs)
Kiara and Luizi got to know each other during their stay in the “Big Brother VIP 2” house. The couple showed their feelings and started a romance between them, which will be crowned this Saturday, with a wedding, which will be broadcast “live” during the final of “Big Brother VIP”.
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