(SPONSORED) Unexpected Risks That Your Car Insurance May

Harris Marley

Global Courant
(SPONSORED) Unexpected Risks That Your Car Insurance May Cover. Image: iStock

When you took out car insurance on your new vehicle, it is unlikely you reviewed the policy with a fine-tooth comb. You would rather be enjoying your new ride than reading the fine print, right?

This means that while you might know the basics of what is covered by your vehicle insurance, you might not be aware of some of the crazy unknown risks that car insurance cover takes care of for you.

Your comprehensive policy covers you for things that are out of your control like theft and weather. But there are some surprising things your policy covers that you might never have thought of.

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While cover between insurers differ, these are a few of the general risks you might not have expected to be covered against.

Falling objects

Nothing quite says ‘unexpected vehicle risk’ like objects falling out of the sky. Space junk, meteors, or even grand pianos are not objects you expect to have landing near you. But such events, rare as they might be are a fact of life, and we if they ever do happen, it is nice to know that cover is there should you need it. 

Some motor policies may cover you for an accident you caused due to attempting to avoid a falling object. 


Mice and squirrels have their cute moments, but they stop being cute when you find that they’ve chewed through your car’s wiring. The fact that they can damage your car is as unsurprising as the surprising fact that your insurance might cover it.

Damage cover for rodent catastrophes is routinely part of comprehensive policies, often falling under an ‘other than collision’ clause. Check whether your auto insurance covers rodent damage especially if your area is abundant in squirrel life or prone to rat and mice infestations.

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Animal collision

Travelling on the open roads, you have likely seen road sign warnings for wildlife crossings. Whether a tortoise or a hippo, these represent a real threat as they can cause all sorts of accidents, even in an attempt to avoid them. 

More often though, this type of accident is likely to be caused by farm cattle wandering into the road. While you can’t hold anyone responsible for a wild animal roaming freely on the road, you may or may not be able to hold a farmer liable for the damage his cow caused to your car.

Note that when making a claim for this type of damage, whether you hit a domestic animal like a goat or a wild animal like a kudu, you will need to obtain a police report. 

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Riots and public disorder is not usually front of mind when purchasing an insurance policy.

Cover for accidental or deliberate damage caused by anyone taking part in a strike, riot, or protest in South Africa is undertaken by the South African Special Risks Insurance Association. SASRIA is a short-term insurance product that specifically covers damage from these events. You might find it offered as an add-on to your main policy, but some companies include it with your comprehensive cover. 

Check Your Car Insurance Cover

Many of these unexpected events are highly unlikely to ever happen to you. But the point of having car insurance is to cover the unforeseen and unwelcome surprises that result in damage and inconvenience. It pays to read your policy closely to know what you are protected against.

If you would like to review your current car insurance cover to see if you need to make changes, contact Dialdirect today – our team of experts would be happy to help you get the cover you need.

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