The 10 keys to know before boarding the plane

Robert Collins

Global Courant

Spain is the country in Europe that is in vogue among Argentines who decide to leave the country.

Whether or not you have European citizenship, the “Spanish dream” is an increasingly vivid experience in these lands of economic crisis.

Beyond the language – the main hook against the “better opportunities” that other eurozone countries can offer – the Grandchildren Law is one more facilitator towards that fashionable destination.

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But there are (at least) 10 keys to keep your eyes peeled before you start dreaming (or emigrating).

1- Make the NIE from here

It is the Foreign Identification Number (NIE), which every non-Spanish person must have in Spain. Without this document, you cannot work legally and it is very difficult to open a bank account.

The NIE can be done before settling there, at the Spanish consulate corresponding to the domicile in Argentina.

The way in which you are going to get to that country is fundamental. There are different steps depending on the situation. If you are Spanish, or EU (with Italian citizenship, for example), if you arrive with a study visa or as a spouse.

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Rows at the Consulate of Spain in Mendoza. In the consulates you can process the NIE. Photo Orlando Pelichotti / Los Andes

In all cases, the first thing will be to register: it consists of certifying that you live in a certain town in Spain. The ideal is to do it in the first week, to avoid any subsequent migratory problem. And that process begins with the NIE.

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As for Argentine documents, do not forget to bring your birth certificate, which is used for the residency process, and your driver’s license, which will be used to “exchange” it for the Spanish one.

2- Homologate the titles of studies

This is essential if you want to continue studying in Spain or for an Argentine university degree to be recognized.

“Inform yourself about this in time before traveling, since it may be necessary to also place the Apostille of The Hague, certify and/or legalize the documentation. The Spanish consulates in Argentina provide this service,” Lucio Boggio tells Clarín.

He is Argentine, emigrated to Barcelona 30 years ago and together with a Spanish lawyer founded MBT Abogados, a law firm specialized in assisting Argentines who choose the same path.

3-The professional profile must be clear

It is necessary that the impersonal cover letter, that is, the curriculum vitae -which today is more LinkedIn than a template that was previously made in Word-, has the tools that the Spanish market demands today.

That is independent of age. Although it is clear that, as in Argentina, in Spain those between the ages of 25 and 44 have better chances of getting any type of job.

If you are over 45, the best options are if you are an entrepreneur or a professional in areas with very high demand.

A basic: CVs with more than one language have more possibilities.

“Remember that all your experience, if it’s not in international companies, almost doesn’t count,” says Eliana Diehl (55), creator of ArgentApp, the network that helps put together an Argentine scheme to go live in Europe.

“Spain does not need you nor is it waiting for you. You are going to have to find your place alone and with a lot of effort,” Diehl warns. Returning to LinkedIn, it is key to know how the personal brand is managed and sold on this platform.

4- Leave a power of attorney to a trusted family member or friend in Argentina.

“It may seem that it is not necessary, but in our office we receive inquiries all the time about how to make a power of attorney in Spain to use in Argentina. And our post on the subject is one of the most visited. Better to leave everything ready than to be running against the clock so that the sale of a property in Argentina can be signed, which is what usually happens,” continues Boggio.

5-Attention when starting a business

If what you want is to invest, before buying a transfer of goodwill or starting a business from scratch, it is preferable to acquire a franchise that provides all the know-how that the emigrant does not know (and it will take him at least two years to know). . “Investing in franchises is buying time to really get to know the market that has nothing to do with us”, warn the advisers consulted by this newspaper.

6-Choose as a “local”, not as a tourist

The best place to live in Spain is defined by business or employment possibilities, not by where the person who emigrates would like to live.

Cities with a high rate of unemployment (unemployment) cannot be on the radar. More than landscapes, nightlife or tourist spots, in the choice of the place of residence it is necessary to evaluate the range of salaries and the labor demand of each sector.

The emblematic photo of the Gran Vía. Madrid is a very expensive city to settle. Photo EFE File

“You have to take into account that the average unemployment in Spain is 12% and it varies depending on the autonomous community,” explains Lorena Ribichini, one of the creators of Argentinas in Madrid, a community of emigrants that was born on Instagram and that today offers paid consultancies. of relocation (to relocate).

Regarding rental costs, you will have to choose, depending on your income in Spain, if you prefer, for example, renting a room or a shared apartment in Madrid, Barcelona or Malaga (from 600 euros) or having an apartment just for a couple or family , in Valencia, which can be obtained from 800 euros.

7-Define how, where and also when

Studying the month in which you are going to emigrate is as important as choosing the community that will be the new Spanish neighborhood. If you arrive in July, the European summer, it will be difficult to do paperwork or get a job that is not in the tourism sector.

Regardless of the month, it is essential to arrive with enough money to cover the first six months.

Also, going back to housing, if you pay six or eight months of rent in advance, you can get good options so you don’t live with strangers. And rentals in general – even by Airbnb, which are usually the first temporary landing mattress – are always obtained at a better price in low season.

8-Prepare the plan one year in advance

“Do not depend on relatives or friends in your immigration process. From experience we know that of 10 families that come to the house of acquaintances or relatives, 9 leave before a month,” Eliana points out.

Due to the requirements that are asked of tenants, even those who are Spanish, renting is not an easy task for immigrants with or without Spanish citizenship. It is difficult even for those who have already found a job in Spain.

The emigration plan must begin one year before arriving in Spain. Photo File

There is a lot of demand for apartments and the costs are getting higher.

Beyond the individual claims of the owners, it is required to present the NIE, the last three salary receipts, the advance payment of a deposit and, in some cases, prove that the salary is greater than 2,500 euros per month. That is why most of the times they refuse to rent to “newcomers to the country”.

9-Make medical and dental check-ups before traveling

It seems like a minor detail but it is far from it if you think in pesos and euros.

Argentines who are dedicated to advising other Argentines on how to emigrate to Spain agree in this note when they say that the best option to save a lot of money is to have medical and dental check-ups before boarding the plane.

It is not mandatory to take out medical insurance for those people who are in an active situation in Spain. If you are working legally, you must be registered with Social Security.

Medical and dental check-ups must be done before leaving, for a matter of costs. Photo Shutterstock.

Social Security (Public Health) has limitations. With medical insurance (such as that of travelers or resident foreigners) you have access to a greater range of specialties and waiting times are reduced. But that is paid in euros, of course.

If you travel often to Argentina, many emigrants from our country take advantage of the visit to pay for consultations and private studies in pesos. Thus, they are always cheaper than in Europe.

10-Leave a bank account open in Argentina

“Sooner or later you are going to need it. You have to make sure that it is a bank where you can do everything online, from the app, and that your cards work well abroad. There are Argentine banks that are not prepared to have clients in abroad, and certain situations are impossible to resolve from Spain. If you can also leave an account open in dollars, even better,” closes Boggio.

Extra tip: keep a cell phone chip from Argentina. Photo: Shutterstock

And there is an extra tip: keep an Argentine cell phone chip. Even if it is without a data rate and with a very cheap plan, maintaining a number from our country is useful on more than one occasion to carry out procedures and procedures before Argentine organizations or companies. And it will serve you every time you set foot in Ezeiza again.



The 10 keys to know before boarding the plane

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