The 5 Best Home Remedies For Anxiety That Will Fit Into Your Budget

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Many people use home remedies for anxiety because they don’t want to take drugs and worry more about all the side effects, they can’t afford the drug they want because their health plan doesn’t cover it (anti-anxiety drugs can cause more than $100 for a 30-day supply) and/or they prefer a natural approach. Regardless of your reason for looking for an alternative to mainstream medicine, you’ll find some helpful information in this article.

One of the oldest anti anxiety home remedies is meditation. Meditation isn’t really something you “do,” it is something that you show up for. You sit and watch your thoughts just like a movie goer would watch a movie. Eventually, you come to the conclusion that thoughts think themselves and that you do not have to identify with every thought that comes to mind. This can help you disengage from negative thoughts that can send you spiraling into a panic or can set you on a path of chronic fear and misery.

Since home remedies for anxiety need to help you to relax, massage is another effective therapy. Problem is: massages can be expensive. I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to have a massage once per month, let alone once per week, although I’d absolutely love to have one every single day. Of course, you can try self massage, but in a sense, this defeats the point because the goal of massage is to relax your body and let go of your mind and you can’t really do that if you’re trying to work that chronic kink out of your neck. A great tip for those on a budget might be to hook up with someone else who has anxiety and trade weekly massages.

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Aromatherapy can also be effective. The right scents can relax the mind and free it from the constant stream of fearful thoughts. Essential oils like lavender, sandalwood and jasmine are most effective. You can even try them when you feel a panic attack coming on.

Supplements make for great home remedies for anxiety. Giving the brain the nutrients it needs to relax and restore a sense of balance. Magnesium is particularly helpful because it fights anxiety and decreases stress.

Finally, taking a natural remedy that is designed specifically to treat anxious thoughts and negative thinking is a great way to get back control of your life. These remedies are affordable (especially when compared with the price of prescription drugs) and contain herbs that have been used by countless generations to calm and soothe the mind. Best of all these home remedies for anxiety have no worries about addiction and few if any side side effects.

In a perfect world, you would be able to combine all five anti anxiety home remedies. Start with a good natural remedy that has been formulated to treat depression and anxious thinking, then add magnesium for extra measure, meditation (which you can do for free), then aromatherapy. Get massages when you can. If someone asks you what you want for your birthday or Christmas, smile and tell them that you would love a nice massage.

The 5 Best Home Remedies For Anxiety That Will Fit Into Your Budget

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