The accident in Karaj led to the dying of two individuals

Akbar Aziz

World Courant

Mehdi Samii instructed IRNA reporter on Sunday night time: On this incident that occurred tonight in Kianmehr Karaj, a Samand automotive swerved to the left and overturned inflicting it to collide with 2 Delight vehicles within the reverse lane.

He continued: The motive force of Samand and the motive force of one of many Delight vehicles died on the spot and three different occupants of the vehicles have been injured.

Samii stated: The injured on this accident have been transferred to Karaj medical facilities by rescue forces.

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The accident in Karaj led to the dying of two individuals

World Information,Subsequent Massive Factor in Public Knowledg

#accident #Karaj #led #dying #individuals
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