The anti-drug mega-operation with drones destroys 2583 plants


Global Courant

Lezha/The control of the entire territory of the district continues, up to the deepest and most difficult mountainous and forested areas, from the ground and from the air, to prevent and attack attempts to cultivate cannabis sativa narcotic plants.

The ninth phase of the anti-cannabis police mega-operation coded “Image” is finalized.

During this phase of the mega-operation, a total of 2,583 cannabis sativa narcotic plants were destroyed, which were found cultivated in greenhouses and on the ground, in various villages, in Kurbin and Lezhë.

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The services of the Local Directorate of the Lezhë Police and subordinate police stations have intensively followed the controls in the entire district, including and scanning the deepest and most difficult, mountainous and forested areas, in order to prevent attempts and attack cases of established cultivation of narcotic plants.

As a result of the checks, in cooperation with the Dibër Local Police Directorate and with the colleagues of the GDF, the ninth phase of the “Image” mega-operation was organized and finalized, in the framework of which: in the village of Skuraj, Kurbin, in an area forested and difficult mountainous areas, 2215 narcotic cannabis sativa plants were found, in the villages of Fushë Kuqe and Gërnac, Kurbin, 337 narcotic cannabis sativa plants were found and in the village of Kolsh, Lezhë, 31 narcotic cannabis sativa plants were found.

The narcotic plants, after carrying out procedural investigative actions, were destroyed by burning.

Investigative actions continue in cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Lezhë, with the aim of identifying and arresting the author(s) of this criminal activity.

During the previous 8 phases of this mega-operation, in various villages of the district, a total of 12,196 seedlings and narcotic plants were destroyed, as well as 3 citizens were arrested and 1 other suspected perpetrators of this criminal activity were wanted. The anti-cannabis police mega-operation “Imazhi” continues.

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The anti-drug mega-operation with drones destroys 2583 plants

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