The benefits and obligations of travel

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Traveling is an incredibly fun activity that I enjoy the most. This is a wonderful world, full of natural beauty and man-made attractions. There are many places of historical, cultural and religious significance worth seeing and visiting. Traveling provides an excellent opportunity to visit the unseen places and meet people from different cultural backgrounds who speak different languages.

Travel takes you away from your tense everyday life and takes you to an exciting new place, very different from your own. You spend some time in a totally new environment, meet people from different cultural backgrounds, visit places you’ve never seen before, eat food that tastes different and experience anything and everything. All this excites you and removes all kinds of tensions from your mind. You feel relaxed, start to realize new realities, accept cultural differences in lifestyles and get closer to other people. This brings international harmony, friendship and cooperation in many areas, beneficial to humanity. Travel also broadens your mental horizon and increases your knowledge. You cannot learn from the books what you learn from your own experience.

In addition to pleasure travel, people travel abroad for a variety of other reasons. Students travel abroad to access the institutions of their choice. Some people travel for business purposes, while others travel for health reasons and medical checkups. Young people mainly travel to look for work or to get married. People also travel for professional requirements and family reunification, etc.

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Some countries are much cheaper than your home country, so visiting and spending some time in one of those countries will actually save you money that you can use for travel expenses.

Some countries need your services and therefore offer you better wages and other benefits. If you are multilingual and have experience teaching a language, you can become a language teacher and earn good money. You can also work as a translator or interpreter.

For whatever purpose you are traveling, make sure you have the correct travel documents and visa approval for the countries you wish to visit. It is also important to respect the law of the country you are visiting. Never engage in illegal activities.

It is advisable to plan your visit 2/3 months before departure and book your seats 3-4 weeks before departure so that you get the best deal on buying tickets from the airlines. Make your trip unforgettable and take home beautiful memories of your visit abroad.

The benefits and obligations of travel

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