The fitness influencer who lost 45 kilos in a year has died

Robert Collins

Global Courant

The influencer Adriana Thyssen, known to her fitness followers as Drika, has died at the age of 49. His family announced this in a statement on social networks. The reason for the death is still unknown, but in the message they ask for compassion for the difficult time they are going through and mourn the loss of the woman.

“It is with deep sadness and regret that we announce the death of our beloved Drika. In these moments of pain, we ask everyone for compassion and prayers,” her relatives wrote online.

According to local media, Drika was found dead in her home in Uberlandia, southern Brazil.

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Example of an improvement

Adriana Thyssen had problems with her image. Problems that led him to suffer from depression and reach 140 kilos at the age of 39. A moment in his life when he decided to change his style and showed it to the world through his social networks too.

The Brazilian influencer was an inspiration for plus-size women.

He lost 35 kilos in eight months and another 10 kilos in the following five months. In just over a year, the influencer lost 45 kilos.

The harsh message the family shared on social media.

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A challenge that went well and resulted in her being successful on the networks and sharing tips for improvement. Thanks to this success, she was able to open her own store, Drikas Store, specializing in plus size sportswear for women. He also gave advice on exercise routines and healthy eating.

Adriana Thyssen has had problems with her image practically since she was a child. Problems that led him to suffer from depression and reach 140 kilos at the age of 39.

The fitness influencer who lost 45 kilos in a year has died

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