the message on a piece of paper that led to an unusual

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-14 01:41:15

It was in Le Breton at 4900. From a balcony, a woman said that there were armed robbers in her house. They were special police forces. she was alone.

It all started with a handwritten piece of paper that a woman saw fall from a balcony directly onto the floor of the garage of her building. “Someone come. Urgent. Danger,” the message said.

The neighbor who saw the message looked up and saw a woman who gave him to understand that there were armed robbers in her house and they had her locked up. The man called 911 and reported what appeared to be a hostage taking in Villa Urquiza.

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Immediately, the area was filled with patrol cars. Even special groups of the City Police mobilized to Tomás Le Bretón 4958, where the situation occurred.

Immediately there was a large-scale operation with traffic cuts so that no one can move around without the permission of the Police. In a few minutes, TV mobiles also appeared.

The police acted prudently. They were not sure what was happening on the other side of the door of the apartment located on the second floor D.

From the balcony, the woman insisted that two assailants were inside. The Police had no certainty about what awaited them on the other side of the door, if the assailants were willing to face them, if they knew that the agents were outside, or if it was true that there were thieves.

The minutes passed and the tension grew. But since there was no movement or response to the attempts to contact the alleged intruders, the officers of the Metropolitan Special Operations Division (DOEM) received the order to open the door and enter the apartment.

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There was no one in the house except the woman who said there were thieves in her house. She was still on the balcony. There were no signs of violence or that criminals had entered. Everything was in order.

As she spoke, the officers realized that the woman did not have a coherent account.

The owner also had an injury and said it was from a fall a few days ago. SAME doctors examined her and diagnosed her with sound and visual hallucinations.

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It was all a false alarm.


the message on a piece of paper that led to an unusual

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