The mosaic of the national museum! One of them speaks


Global Courant 2023-05-20 15:29:36

After the inauguration of the restored Mosaic on the facade of the National Historical Museum, in Skënderbej Square. Agim Nebiu, one of the authors, but at the same time the restorer of the mosaic, confesses that this is the most complete restoration that has ever been done to this work of art with almost the largest public exposure.

The mosaic on the facade of the National Historical Museum is considered one of the best works of late Albanian socialist realism. Established in 1981, it displays on the surface of 565 m2, some of the most important moments of the country’s history, from antiquity to the communist period.

Another delicate moment, in which the life of the mosaic was discussed, was in 1993, but the author explains that after the retouching of some symbols, the mosaic survived and greets us even today.

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In November 2019, Albania was hit by the deadliest earthquake in the last 50 years. Its effects caused extensive damage in 11 municipalities, including numerous cultural heritage sites, one of which was the Mosaic. In response to this crisis, the European Union launched the EU4Culture project, implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Albania.

This project focuses on the renovation and revitalization of cultural heritage objects that were damaged by the earthquake and is one of the largest cultural heritage programs funded by the EU worldwide, with a total budget of 40 million euros.

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The mosaic of the national museum! One of them speaks

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