the surprising defense of the woman’s family

Robert Collins

Global Courant

Zulema Serrano was an agent of the City and Juan Carlos Bertini, of the Federal. They both had her shot in the head and are investigating whether he killed her and then committed suicide.

Juan Carlos Bertini (28) was, or should have been, in Isidro Casanova, La Matanza, fulfilling custodian duties by order of a prosecutor’s office. He was a federal police officer and he had shared a house with Zulema Serrano (28) for six months. At night, a neighbor heard her screams: she, desperate, asked for help. Then a shot. Soon, another one.

According to what the investigators believe, Bertini went to the property at 3400 Los Criollos street, in Castelar, Morón district, and killed Zulema, who had been serving in the City Police since 2017.

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Judicial sources informed Télam that “the woman denounced him twice for gender violence, five years ago.” However, the woman’s family points to a suicide pact.

Zulema Serrano and Juan Carlos Bertini were police officers.

The couple had started at the PFA, where Serrano and Bertini were serving. With the transfer to the City, the woman changed strength. It is not clear what happened between the complaints and the coexistence in the house they shared, but for the investigators the violence continued.

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It had been in May 2018 that the woman reported him twice in the province of Buenos Aires.

The case was left in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office No. 12 Specialized in Sexual Abuse and Gender Violence, in charge of the prosecutor María Alejandra Bonini.

It all started around 9:00 p.m. Saturday, when a neighbor heard the screams and called 911. The agents who arrived in a patrol car found the bodies in the living room and in a bedroom.

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Serrano was working at the 9B Neighborhood Police Station in the Liniers neighborhood. At the time of the crime, he was wearing his uniform. He was about to go out to take duty, but his service weapon was still on the nightstand in the room he shared with his partner.

Her boyfriend, who worked in the Morón Federal Operations Unit Division (DUOF), was in one of the rooms, also shot in the head, and next to his 9-millimeter Bersa Pro Rinde pistol.

Zulema Serrano was working at the 9B Neighborhood Police Station of the City Police, in the Liniers neighborhood.

The tests on the two weapons and the two shells served and projectiles found at the scene of the event will be carried out by the Buenos Aires Scientific Police to confirm the main hypothesis: that it was a femicide followed by suicide.

Six cell phones were taken from the house to analyze the latest communications.

The farewell

Sergio Oscar Serrano (64), Zulema’s father, spread a heartbreaking letter on social networks to say goodbye to his daughter. The young woman’s family, contrary to what the investigators think, disbelieves the version of the femicide and points to a suicide pact.

“My daughter Zule, why? Why did you do this to us? You would have told us ‘Pa, this is happening to me’ We could have helped you by working there,” begins the handmade letter published on social networks.

The policewoman’s father’s letter.

And he continues: “I saw you that you were not the usual Zule and I failed as a father for not approaching you and telling you ‘what’s wrong with you daughter’. It’s too late. But I want you to know where you are, you are going to fly very high and that I love you very much and that should have shown you in life and now you are not here. ”

“There are families suffering from the two boys. The television lies, everything it says lies. Nobody knows what happened, only the two of them,” a relative told Clarín.

gender violence

In the first six months of 2023, 167 victims of gender violence were registered. As of June 30, they recorded 151 femicides, 2 transvesticides and 14 linked femicides of men, according to the “Adriana Marisel Zambrano” Femicide Observatory.

Of the total, 30 victims had previously filed a complaint; 12 femicides had a precautionary preventive measure issued and 9 femicides belonged or had belonged to a security force. Of the total of the aggressors, 25 committed suicide after committing the femicide.


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the surprising defense of the woman’s family

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