They arrested the man who would have abused a

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-05-20 00:37:26

The 36-year-old suspect was captured in Campana. He was inside a church.

Ten days after the complaint of a woman who denounced that she was raped in the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve while doing physical activity, the Police reported that they arrested the alleged suspect of sexual abuse.

The arrest took place in the town of Campana and the 36-year-old suspect was identified through exhaustive investigative tasks that included monitoring cameras and taking testimonial statements.

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The alleged abuser was arrested in Campana, inside a church.

After obtaining authorization from the Justice, antennas were crossed that allowed the individual to be located in Campana. The City Police personnel went to the place and managed to find him in a local church, where he was finally arrested.

The Minister of Justice and Security, Eugenio Burzaco, praised the work of the investigators and expressed his satisfaction with the arrest. “Thanks to the tasks of the investigators, the arrest of this person was achieved, demonstrating that we continue looking for all the criminals until we put them in jail, as in this case,” said Burzaco.

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The suspect will be transferred to the police station located at 1500 Tucumán Street, where he will remain at the disposal of Justice. It is expected that in the next few days the corresponding hearing will be held to determine the charges and advance in the judicial process.

How was the abuse in the Ecological Reserve

In a call to 911 on May 9, a man reported that he found a woman on a path along the Paseo de la Reserva Ecológica who claimed to have been raped. The witness also provided a description of the suspect with the data that the woman, in the midst of a nervous breakdown, was able to transmit to him.

The sexual abuse was confirmed by the doctors who treated the victim at the Argerich Hospital, where the woman was transferred by SAME.

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The Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve has 350 hectares and two entrances. The one at Viamonte is the closest to Camino de Los Alisos, where the attack took place. The other is about Brazil.

From there, a deep search began in the area, first with the idea that the attacker could have hidden in there. Then the suspicion was that he could know the land and have escaped swimming towards the Rodrigo Bueno neighborhood, bordering the property.

The reserve is visited by dozens of people every day. From neighbors who choose it to go for a walk, people who come to practice some sport and even foreign tourists.

The place has private security personnel and surveillance cameras that are at the entrances. In addition, there are park rangers from the Reserve who constantly walk the internal roads of the property.

“The General Directorate of Conservation Areas has a security protocol in the face of this type of situation in the ecological reserves of the City of Buenos Aires. In the event of a complaint, the property is closed. In addition, the City Police are immediately notified and SAME”, they pointed out to Clarín from the City Security area.


They arrested the man who would have abused a

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