They denounce a wave of theft of LED lights in three

Robert Collins

Global Courant 2023-04-27 14:00:33

Three San Telmo institutions are an “easy target” for thieves. Despite the claims, they say the authorities are not responding.

A young man climbs over the fence that protects the glass front of Club Atlético San Telmo at 4:10 on Saturday, April 15. In this way he manages to enter the institution and steal. The fact has been repeated for half a year in three clubs in the neighborhood, under the 25 de Mayo Highway, which demand police presence.

The Martina Céspedes Sports Center, located at Bolívar 1280, Club Deportivo Giuffra at Perú 1243, and Atlético San Telmo, at Cochabamba 657, are located two blocks adjoining the highway. All three became easy targets for robbery and indignation grew.

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“Six months ago we have been suffering thefts. Every week they remove our LED reflectors from the children’s soccer fields and it is becoming impossible for us to replace them,” says the vice president of Atlético San Telmo, Yamil Lombardi.

The thieves take advantage of the darkness and the lack of security in the area to steal, according to reports in the clubs. Photo Capture

Despite the situation of insecurity they face, they do not find answers from the State. “The City Police never guards despite the fact that they are aware of the situation. In turn, I have already requested a meeting with the Buenos Aires Minister of Security through the Commune but I am still waiting for them to grant it to me,” Lombardi maintains.

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And although they have already made complaints on repeated occasions, Lombardi explains that they “tired” due to the lack of solutions, but “the Giuffra Club continues to denounce the facts.”

The three clubs plan to make a mobilization to the Ministry of Security of the City with all the participants in the activities “since it is useless to have denounced and have the videos of the robberies.” However, Lombardi acknowledges that they did not receive a response from Commune 1 or from the Police or the Buenos Aires Government.

Clarín contacted the City Police to inquire about the robberies in the clubs. The answer was that “they have no reports” about it.

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Clubs can no longer replace LED lights after so many thefts. Photo Capture

The institutions receive almost 4,500 boys and girls in the sports activities they offer such as hockey, handball, children’s, women’s, and men’s soccer, soccer, basketball, and skate school.

“The number of children who come to our clubs is a lot for a neighborhood as small as San Telmo. In addition, we do a lot of social support,” says Lombardi. And he says that the beauty of these neighborhood spaces is that “before the grandfather came, then the son and now the grandson.”

The clubs have already seen three generations of families pass by and that closeness is what drives those who attend to support the claim they make. “We contain a large part of the population of Isla Maciel, La Boca, Barracas, San Telmo and San Cristobal,” he points out.

And he adds: “Club Atlético San Telmo is precisely two blocks from the former 14th Police Station, in Garay and Defensa, and a block and a half from the former 2nd Police Station (currently Neighborhood Police Station 1F), in Peru and Humberto Primo. Crazy”.

Many merchants link the lack of security that reigns in San Telmo with the change of police station they suffered. Before, the most touristy area of ​​the neighborhood was under the orbit of the 1E Police Station, next to Puerto Madero, and now they depend on the 1C, which shares territory with Constitución, Parque Lezama, and the area that extends to the east as far as Entre Ríos. A change that, from the perspective of the residents, does not seem to have been positive.

While the northern part depends on the 1D police station, which includes points such as Plaza de Mayo or the Buenos Aires microcenter, and extends to Córdoba avenue and from 9 de Julio to Huergo.



They denounce a wave of theft of LED lights in three

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