This is known about the tragedy in Concepción Las Minas, Chiquimula

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

The tragedy began around 6 p.m. on Friday, September 29, when the rain began in Concepción, Las Minas, Chiquimula.

The anguish of the neighbors was growing rapidly, because the storm did not stop, a few hours had already passed, but far from stopping, the downpour was becoming more and more intense.

At approximately 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 30, local residents heard a loud bang.

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In panic, they managed to run out of their houses, and moments later they saw that their homes were completely flooded, due to a flow of water with mud and dirt.

The neighbors in their anguish began to shout at the other residents to get out of their homes.

After the tragedy and given the uncertainty about the time, residents of the area began to do a quick count of the people who were already outside their homes.

During that moment it was believed that calm had come to the community, because they thought the worst was over, but it was only a brief respite, because more tragedies would happen later.

One of the most beloved neighbors of the place was Mrs. Urbina Rivera Duarte, an elderly woman from the community, who, upon leaving her house after the first flood, realized that she had no clothes or provisions, so she decided Return to your home to take out some things.

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But at that moment another current hit the homes, preventing the woman from leaving, who died and her body was found moments later.

Doña Urbina Rivera Duarte was one of the victims of the tragedy. (Free Press Photo: Courtesy of El Profe Informa – Contrarrej)

Among the neighbors who did not appear was the Rodríguez España family, so the community members began looking for them, without success.

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Three people were missing: Yeny España, a mother described by neighbors as loving and concerned about her children; also, Diego Alejandro, her older brother, and Óscar Manrique Rodríguez España, the youngest in the home.

A town in Concepción Las Minas was swept away by a rush of water, which left four people dead. (Free Press Photo: Courtesy Edwin Linares / El Profe Informa – Contrarrej)

The family house was full of mud, stones, water, but without its members. On the morning of Saturday, September 30, the body of the first victim, Yeny España, appeared in the jurisdiction of El Salvador, an area bordering Guatemala, on the bed of the Angue River.

Hours later and trapped between the branches of a tree, the body of Diego Alejandro was found, who was just starting his classes to receive his first communion in the parish of his municipality.

On the morning of this Sunday, October 1, Children’s Day, the discovery of the fourth body victim of the tragedy was confirmed: little Óscar Manrique, who was located on the shores of the village Valeriano, Concepción Las Minas, near the border with El Savior.

The España family, whose members died victims of the tragedy. (Free Press Photo: Courtesy of El Profe Informa – Contrarrej)

With the location of the minor, the first responders counted the four people who were initially missing. The river tragedy in Concepción Las Minas, Chiquimula, had claimed their lives.

The España family was well known in the area, since Jeny participated in church activities and had always been a responsible mother with her children, according to stories from her neighbors.

The bodies of Yeny and his son Diego Alejandro. Neighbors and family are still waiting for the arrival of little Óscar’s body, which was found between the border of Guatemala and El Salvador. (Free Press Photo: Courtesy Betty Posadas)

“The truth is that we cannot believe it, because I still gave First Communion classes to Diego Alejandro and for us it is difficult, because we will no longer see them,” said Mrs. Betty Posadas, a local resident, through tears. .

Facts about the tragedy

Thirteen houses suffered the most damage as a result of the flooding of the local river. The force of the water and the current uprooted trees and destroyed homes.

The residents of the community are still trying to mitigate the damage left by the tragedy. (Free Press Photo: Courtesy Edwin Linares / El Profe Informa – Contrarrej)

In addition, the lifeguards located a car among the current, without crew, and the firefighters’ hypothesis is that there were no people in the vehicle at the time of the tragedy.

The statistics

Four people dead Six homes with severe damage Six families without housing 25 people affected Four homes with moderate damage Four families (18 people) affected

This is known about the tragedy in Concepción Las Minas, Chiquimula

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