TTP – India Nexus: Exposing India’s Malicious Designs

Muhammad Qasim

The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (Khawarij), a terrorist organisation was formed in 2007. Soon after its formation, TTP tried to radically restructure the social fabric of the local Pashtun communities by Introducing and enforcing violent and extremist acts in the name of Islam. The Khwarijs systematically murdered hundreds of Pashtun tribal leaders & influential officials to spread their terror and influence in the area. TTP launched a large-scale terrorist campaign after 2007 in Pakistan that was defined by its indiscriminate targeting of civilians and minorities.

Khwarijs belonging to TTP like other terrorist organisations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, is on US foreign designated Terrorist organization list. Defeated by Pakistan Army in erstwhile FATA and post US withdrawal, situation in Afghanistan provided an opportunity to TTP to rebrand itself in a new mould of fighting for human rights of Tribal people in Pakistan, contrary to the fact that they were the ones who killed innocent people in FATA and looted them. In doing so TTP wants to project state of Pakistan and Armed Forces as oppressors so as to gain sympathy of International community and pseudo liberals on the pretext of human rights violations in Tribal areas and enforced disappearances issues.

This aspect also paves the way for TTP and Baloch miscreants to coordinate their anti-Army terrorist actions, duly supported by inimical elements. TTP’s narratives suit India as support to TTP and Baloch terrorists can by projected by India as support to freedom struggle against state oppression. TTP is also seeking enhanced targeting of Chinese interests in Pakistan that is again a plus point for India which is continuously working to sabotage China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

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On 14 November 2020, in a joint press brief by Foreign Minister and DG ISPR also provided evidence-laden dossier exposing TTP linkages with India. Major highlights clearly established Indian sponsorship of TTP and other terrorist organizations in Pakistan; The dossier was also provided to UN in 2020 containing irrefutable evidence regarding India’s sponsorship of terrorism states that, “India had established 87 terrorist training camps to launch attacks in Pakistan – and 21 of these terrorist camps were in India. In addition to that, India is also using Afghan soil to launch attacks in Pakistan establishing 66 terrorist camps in Afghanistan.”

India is a patron and financier of TTP – which is designated as a terrorist organization by four states: Pakistan, US, UK, and Canada. India not only exercises effective control over TTP, but also over its splinter groups. In August, 2020, RAW facilitated merger of two splinter groups of TTP – Jamat-ul-Ahraar and Hizb-ul-Ahraar. The aims and objectives of both JuA and HuA are aligned with those of India. Besides, the merger of these groups under the patronage of RAW is a threat to peace and security and territorial integrity of Pakistan.

Indian Intelligence agencies are patronizing banned outfits that are against Pakistan. Through Khawarij organizations like Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Jamaatul Ahraar (JuA), India is trying to breathe life into them again. They are being supplied ammunitions and IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and are being provided material to target ulema, notables, and police officials.

In recent times, India has trained and supported BLA and provided terror financing to TTP to carry out terrorist activities against Pakistan. It was also revealed in the press conference that India united breakaway factions of the TTP, Hizbul Ahrar (HuA) and JuA as India was constantly trying to establish a consortium between TTP, BLA, BLF (Balochistan Liberation Front) and BRA (Balochistan Republic Army), which were already united under the banner of BRAS (Baloch Raaji Aajoie Sangar), as part of its “grand design”. There is a dire need to counter such threats through befitting military and diplomatic response. The current security situation demands that Pakistan should completely root out such terror outfits once and for all for a sustainable and progressive future. Indian involvement and sponsorship of terrorist consortiums for spreading anarchy in Pakistan also needs to be exposed yet again by using aggressive diplomatic manoeuvre through Foreign Office and Pakistan’s missions located around the world.

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