UN experts arrive in Honduras to advise on anti-corruption mechanism

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

The Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Gabriela Membreño, received on Sunday, July 9, the group of three experts who should begin their work as of this week.

According to a UN statement released on Friday the 7th, they will provide “technical assistance in relation to the future establishment of an international, impartial, independent and autonomous mechanism” to be called the International Commission against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (CICIH).

The work of the commission will be done “in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in December 2022 between the UN Secretariat and the government of Honduras,” according to the United Nations.

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The team “will assess the existing national instruments, institutions and capacities for the fight against impunity and corruption and their prosecution,” according to the UN.

He added that the future mechanism will only begin to function when the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, and the Honduran government “agree in writing on the existence of minimum legal guarantees and requirements for its operation.”

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In addition, the CICIH mechanism must go through the approval of the Honduran Congress made up of 128 deputies, the majority of whom are opposition members.

A previous commission of the Organization of American States (OAS) that was in force between 2016 and 2020, accused several of the deputies for alleged corruption.

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UN experts arrive in Honduras to advise on anti-corruption mechanism

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