Unraveling the Fabric of National Security: Aftermath of 9th May Riots in Pakistan

Sehr Rushmeen

The riots that erupted on the 9th of May in Pakistan stand as a testament to the fragility of the nation’s security, a fragility exacerbated by the leadership of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and its figurehead, Imran Khan. What transpired on that fateful day was not a spontaneous outburst of public discontent only but instead the manifestation of deliberate actions and policies which sowed the seeds of discord and division. The attacks targeted several critical military sites, including the Army headquarters at Rawalpindi. Allegedly carried out in response to the arrest of their party founder in a corruption case, this vandalism set new precedent of violence, agitation and intolerance. 

Under the guise of political rhetoric and promises of reform, the PTI-led Provincial Government had systematically marginalized the dissenting voices, stifled opposition, and undermined democratic institutions. The erosion of democratic norms and principles led to a deeply polarized society, where grievances simmered beneath the surface, waiting only for a spark to ignite and control into an arson.

Rather than seeking to address this issue through dialogue and inclusive policymaking, the PTI, under Imran Khan’s leadership, chose to exploit it for political gains. By pandering to extremist elements and stoking religious sentiments, PTI unleashed forces that would prove uncontrollable. PTI through their divisive pattern of politics has sown seeds of intolerance, agitation and violence in its ranks and files particularly and society in general. This is a dangerous trend of non-conformity even on basic and well established norms, besides desecrating national embalm like martyr and interest of the state and the nation.

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The events of 9th May were not a spontaneous eruption but a meticulously orchestrated escalation of tensions, with the PTI’s Provincial Government and Imran Khan at the helm. Rather than seeking to de-escalate the situation and uphold the rule of law, leadership and followers turned a blind eye to the growing unrest, and eventually emboldened those who sought to sow chaos and division in the society.

In failing to uphold its responsibility to protect its citizens and maintain law and order, the PTI led Government, under Imran Khan’s leadership, not only abdicated its duty but actively contributed to the erosion of the nation’s security. The riots of 9th May across Pakistan left scars that run deep, not just on the physical landscape but on the very soul of the nation.

Further exacerbating the turmoil were the inflammatory rhetoric and irresponsible actions taken by the PTI and Imran Khan in the aftermath of the riots. Rather than assuming responsibility and working towards reconciliation, PTI continued to fan the flames of division, further polarizing an already fractured society. Imran Khan’s failure to provide decisive leadership in quelling the unrest only served to deepen the crisis. His reluctance to condemn the violence perpetrated by his supporters and his refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue with opposition leaders reinforced the perception of a Government indifferent to the plight of its citizens.

Furthermore, the PTI led Provincial Government’s crackdown on civil liberties following the riots only served to compound the sense of injustice and alienation felt by large segments of the population. By stifling dissent and silencing dissenting voices, PTI leadership further eroded trust in democratic institutions and exacerbated feelings of marginalization amidst the targeted segments of society.

The recent sentencing of 51 supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan by a Pakistani court underscores the gravity of the events that unfolded last year. These individuals, affiliated with Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, received a five-year rigorous imprisonment on two counts for their involvement in attacking key military installations. The sentencing highlights the imperative of upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability for those who undermine the nation’s security. It also underscores the responsibility of political leaders to refrain from inciting violence for personal or political motives.

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In India, stringent measures are often employed to quell the unrest swiftly and decisively. Recent instances of anti-state riots, such as those in Delhi in 2020, saw a robust response from law enforcement agencies, leading to arrests and prosecutions of those involved. While questions regarding excessive use of force and human rights violations have been raised, the Indian Government’s commitment to maintaining stability and preserving national security has remained evident.

Similarly, in the United States, the storming of the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump in January 2021 resulted in swift and forceful action by law enforcement agencies. The perpetrators were swiftly identified, arrested, and charged, underscoring the seriousness with which the US treats threats to its democratic institutions and national security.

However, in Pakistan, the situation appears to be markedly different. Despite the sentencing of 51 individuals involved in attacking military installations, questions still linger on regarding the broader accountability of political leaders and their alleged role in fomenting unrest. The perception of impunity, particularly among those with political connections, undermines efforts to uphold the rule of law and preserve national security. No one is above the law thus no offender be left in want of justice dispensation.

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The contrasting approaches highlight the importance of robust institutions and a commitment to the rule of law in safeguarding national security. Pakistan must address systemic challenges that allow individuals to evade accountability for their actions. Only by holding all individuals, regardless of their political affiliations, accountable for their actions can Pakistan hope to build a more secure and resilient society.

During the graduation ceremony of the Pakistan Air Force cadets, General Syed Asim Munir, the Chief of Army Staff, emphasized the importance of maintaining the nation’s highest traditions of spirit, professionalism, and courage. He highlighted that the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, particularly Article 19, sets explicit boundaries on the freedom of speech and expression. General Munir stressed that those who disregard these constitutional boundaries should not criticize others. He firmly stated, “We are fully cognizant of our constitutional limits and expect others to respect and uphold the Constitution as well.”

With one-year completion of 9th May riots in Pakistan, it is mandatory that needful legislation be done to avert such lapses in the future. As Pakistan navigates the aftermath of 9 May riots, it must confront the challenges posed by divisive politics and leadership failures, working towards a society where the rule of law prevails and all individuals are held accountable for their actions. Only then can Pakistan hope to rebuild the shattered fabric of national security and chart a path towards a more secure and stable future.

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Sehr Rushmeen, an Islamabad based freelance researcher, did her MPhil from National Defence University (NDU) in Strategic Studies and her BSc from University of London (UOL) in International Relations. Her area of research interest is Strategic Nuclear Studies, Artificial Intelligence in Warfare, Conflict Zone in Middle East, South China Sea and South Asian Politics. Has several publications in renowned regional and international newspapers and magazines.