Walking barefoot improves human health and


Global Courant 2023-05-05 20:43:35

Walking barefoot has been known since ancient times as a therapy that helps reduce stress and the emotional state in general, but even in modern times it is being transformed from a ‘game theory’ to a scientific practice with a series of advantages.

The practice is believed to increase antioxidants in the body, improve sleep and reduce inflammation.

Barefoot walking or otherwise “earthing” is walking on grass, sand or dirt with bare feet. For this we must leave the pavement and put our feet on a natural surface.

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There are several studies that show that practice brings connection somatic that occurs between the body and the earth’s electrons.

The earth we live on has its own electrical charge and our body must stay in contact with this charge.

The study published in the “Journal of Environmental and Public Health” shows how the absorption of electrons from the planet’s soil can improve our health.

In another study, it was seen how patients suffering from chronic pain improved if they used carbon fiber mattresses, which improved sleep reduces pain .

Another study shows how to walk barefoot changes the electrical activity of the brain skin conductivity, moderates heart flexibility, improves glucose regulation, reduces stress and supports immune functions.

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In this link found research on improving sleep after walking barefoot in people with insomnia, for example walking 30 minutes barefoot in the grass every day.

Therefore, walking should be more than a little exercise, but also a healing and recuperative experience, on a mental and physical level.

Walking is also a workout of the heart and muscles, which improves mental health and general well-being, even more so when we take off our shoes to connect with the earth’s natural electrical charge, which on a metaphysical level would also be called “synchronizing with the planet “.

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Walking barefoot improves human health and

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