“We don’t even have an office in the

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-05-19 11:39:27

six out of 10 municipal councilors They decided yesterday to put a stop to the abuses of Mayor Roberto Contreras and demand respect for their positions.

The corporate minutes show the reality that has been experienced in the corporate sessions, and number 61 was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The day before, the report of the Superior Court of Accounts (TSC), referring to the case your environment and the Juniana Fair. In that session, councilor José Antonio Rivera presented a motion aimed at submitting a report to the corporate plenary session and responding to the Superior Court of Accounts on the measures and action plan to be carried out with respect to the recommendations.

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He clarified that at no time was it asked to pay the higher costs to the sulamiente company. The motion was approved by seven councilors and some remained pending, as the mayor abruptly suspended that session.

The mayor must reconsider and understand that the councilors are not his employees.

Carmen Elena Paz, Councilor

Subsequently, the mayor, his advisers and his legal body proceeded to present a demonstration and then challenged the report of the TSC.

After this series of events, the mayor called session 63 three times, but did not have a quorum. The last call was for yesterday at 2:00 pm, but minutes before the councilor Carmen Elena Paz presented an excuse addressed to the municipal secretary, María Luisa Pascua, for not showing up for the session.

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The excuse reads: “We, the undersigned, all members of the honorable Municipal Corporation of the city of San Pedro SulaDepartment of Cortés, elected by the popular and direct vote of the residents of the municipality for the period 2022-2026, we justifiably excuse ourselves from attending the ordinary session No.63 called for today, Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 02:00 pm, taking into consideration the lack of sufficient information on the following aspects:

In the review of the agenda of the convened session, we see that the ratification of act No.61 in its entirety is not included and where the motion presented by councilor Antonio Rivera, seconded by the majority of the members of the Corporation, does not The use of the floor was given to several councilors who requested it, much less the vote was carried out, since the discussion and the session was closed due to an outburst from the mayor in frank excess of his powers and in full disrespect for the body deliberative and superior entity.

They detail that the statements made in different media, against members of the Municipal Corporation and against the TSC by the mayor and deputy mayor, who at no time have been authorized to represent the will of this collegiate body, which has generated an adverse and unnecessary climate within the Corporation and with the controlling entity with constitutional rank; We want to make it clear that the statements made by both do not represent the opinion of this superior body, who respect and support the institutionality of the different State bodies.”

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The aldermen They say that the media way in which complex legal issues have been handled, without proper and timely communication and information to the corporate plenary as a higher hierarchical body, which does not allow them to study in depth and make the best decisions for the benefit of the municipality , causes natural or legal persons to resort to administrative instances unnecessarily.

They establish that the councilors are members of the Corporation as the highest authority of the municipality, without relations of subordination with the mayor, who is one more member of the same, and who must submit to the decisions made by the majority based on the law.


The Municipal Corporation has 10 councilors plus the mayor and vice mayor, who does not have a vote in sessions.

In this sense, “all these arbitrary actions have created an adverse climate against the undersigned, who we consider to be in danger of our personal safety and make it impossible for us to appear in person in the town hall, therefore, based on our legal powers, We request that the next call be made for Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 4:00 p.m., virtually, through the Zoom platform, and that it include, as unique points, the indicated aspects, prior to giving continuity to the other relevant issues and of interest to the municipality”. The excuse was signed by Carmen Elena Paz, Vicente López, Francis Rodríguez, Armando Calidonio, Luis Cardona and Antonio Rivera.

the aldermanto Carmen Elena Paz On behalf of the group of aldermen, he stated that they are no longer willing to bear the disrespect on the part of Mayor Contreras, who has already fired the aldermen’s employees who served to work in the commissions. “We don’t even have an office in the municipality and it’s not just this issue, there are already several,” he said.

This is not about a single political party, we are elected by the people, and it is to them that we owe ourselves, he indicated. He also reported that several advisers to the mayor threatened the councilors with revealing personal videos and conversations that were recorded in meetings.

“We don’t even have an office in the

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