when the rains come and how the weather continues

Robert Collins

Global Courant

The National Meteorological Service specified that morning mists, mostly cloudy skies and a probability of rain are expected for the AMBA.

The week started with a climate typical of another season: temperatures around 20 degrees and humidity that makes the wind chill rise even more. This is how it will continue this Tuesday, when a maximum of 23 degrees is expected. With the passing of the hours, the rains will appear.

The National Meteorological Service indicated this Tuesday first thing in the morning that the weather was present in the city of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs with morning mists, mostly cloudy skies and probability of isolated rains for the afternoon-night.

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The alert indicates that the areas most affected in the province of Buenos Aires by the fall of water – it is expected around 20 o’clock – will be Mariano Acosta, Virrey del Pino, San Vicente, Brandsen and surroundings.

For Wednesday, the agency warns of a day with mostly cloudy skies and isolated storms at night, with winds from the southwest sector rotating to the south, then to the southeast; and a temperature that will be located between 14 degrees minimum and 19 maximum.

Late tomorrow, localized strong storms are expected for Buenos Aires cities located west of the Federal Capital. The radius includes from Junín to Merlo.

Meanwhile, partly cloudy skies are forecast for Thursday, isolated storms during the early morning and morning, winds from the southeast sector rotating east and a minimum temperature of 12 degrees and a maximum of 16.

The SMN, meanwhile, issued a yellow alert in the last few hours for different towns in the province of Buenos Aires such as Castelli, Chascomús, Dolores, Lezama, Magdalena, Punta Indio and the Atlantic Coast.

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“The area will be affected by storms of varying intensity, some of which may be locally strong. It is expected that they will be accompanied by gusts, occasional hail, electrical activity and, fundamentally, abundant rainfall in short periods,” the agency pointed out.

El Niño officially declared globally

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) officially declared the El Niño phenomenon on Tuesday after confirming that for the first time in seven years conditions have been detected in the tropical Pacific Ocean that, most likely, will cause an increase in temperatures and meteorological alterations this anus.

“The occurrence of El Niño will greatly increase the likelihood of breaking new temperature records and unleashing more extreme heat in many parts of the world and in the ocean,” warned WMO Secretary-General and meteorologist Petteri Taalas.

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The rise in temperatures will occur above all in the next three months and will persist until the end of 2023, with an intensity that “will be at least moderate”, but it cannot be ruled out that it could be a severe phenomenon.

Meanwhile, according to the climatic forecast of the National Meteorological Service, for the July-September quarter, during this period there would be above-normal rainfall in western Patagonia and normal or above-normal accumulated rainfall in the north of the Litoral, the east of the province of Buenos Aires, the south of Cuyo and the east of Patagonia.

The rains would have a regular regime over the northern region, the southern coast, western Buenos Aires, La Pampa and southern Patagonia. However, in the province of Córdoba and western Santa Fe, normal and below-normal volumes are anticipated.

SMN quarterly forecast for July, August and September 2023.

On the other hand, for the Argentine northwest (NOA) and the north of Cuyo, which during those three months go through their dry season, the SMN did not make forecasts since the rains are very scarce during the period.

Regarding temperatures, from the agency they announced that there is a greater probability that normal or higher than normal average values ​​​​are registered in Cuyo, La Pampa and Buenos Aires, and usual thermal marks over northern and central Patagonia.


when the rains come and how the weather continues

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