Why home remedies don’t eliminate odors

Wang Yan
Wang Yan

Global Courant

A tenant has just moved and you need to rent out your property again. But the tenant had a cat. A cat who didn’t like using his litter box. The cat and its owner may be gone, but the smell remains. Now you have the choice: use a home remedy such as ammonia for a quick fix or eliminate the smell for good with OdorXit.

Your first option is the easiest, most cost effective. It even gives you a sense of power that comes from tackling that smell yourself with your own brew. But will your home remedy work? Or does your next tenant want to leave the house because the smell that dried urine keeps producing is terrible?

Before you can understand why home remedies fail to eliminate odors, you must understand the cause of the odor. Urine residue is a water-soluble and hydroscopic urea salt. When this urea salt gets wet, it reacts with its environment and produces a gas called mercaptan. This gas is the odor associated with urine contamination.

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To dissolve the urine contamination, the urea salt must be dissolved and then removed. If both processes do not take place, the contaminated area becomes larger and more deeply embedded in the cracks and pours of the floor. And, as you know, the smell will remain.

Products such as bleach, ammonia and vinegar do not change the urea salt. They can dissolve some of the urea salt when mixed with water, but once the urea salt has dissolved, the solution must be removed. Removing it will prevent the infected area from getting bigger and more deeply embedded in the cracks and molding of the floor.

Bleach often lightens the stains, but it does not react with the urea salt. Mixing bleach and ammonia, even in small amounts, produces free chlorine gas that can and will cause severe burns to the eyes, nose and lungs. In addition, enzyme products produce small amounts of ammonia gas as a by-product of their reaction with urea salt. If there is bleach around, it will produce the same free chlorine gas.

Some other notes on using bleach. Bleach is designed to clean and whiten clothes. Many other chemicals are added to achieve that goal. Eliminating urine is not one of those goals. So even if you use the bleach for a sanitizer, it won’t work. A better alternative would be to use liquid chlorine shock for the pool. It is much more concentrated and not mixed with chemicals for use in the wash. However, do not use OdorXit in combination with chlorine products. The chlorine breaks down the organic salts and oils, rendering them ineffective.

It is the organic salts and oils in OdorXit that make this product superior to any home remedy. All OdorXit products work well on a wide variety of surfaces and odors because they actually neutralize or absorb the substances that cause the odors. They do this without enzymes, bacteria, perfumes or harsh chemicals. They are also non-staining, non-toxic and biodegradable.

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OdorXit is therefore the ultimate odor solution.


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Why home remedies don’t eliminate odors

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