Why should you buy organic food?

Wang Yan

Global Courant

What does organic mean?

Agricultural products that are grown and processed naturally are called organic foods. The organic crops are generally grown without the use of chemicals, synthetic pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers, bioengineered genes or sewage sludge-based fertilizers. The livestock also has access to organic feed when it comes to dairy products, meat or eggs. Antibiotics, by-products and growth hormones are strictly not encouraged.

Why choose organic?

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A maze of food labeled organic will claim to be beneficial, but is it really? Does the popularity of organic food outweigh the benefits? If you’ve ever wondered what’s essentially good for your physical and mental health, you’re on the right track. Organically grown foods often contain more nutrients in the form of antioxidants and prevent or reduce allergies compared to conventionally grown counterparts. It is free of harmful chemicals, contains more flavor and sustainable nutrition while being an excellent choice for personal and planetary well-being.

Why is it important?

Organic foods contain less chemicals and pesticides, but consuming organically grown foods is one of the ways to avoid the chemically intoxicated foods in today’s market. There are more than 600 active chemicals registered with high pesticide exposure that can contribute to serious diseases, disorders, malfunctions and neurological problems. Organic meat and dairy contain synthetic hormones that have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Alternatively, because of the zero level of pesticides, the fertilization techniques are less likely to cause toxic heavy metals that usually accumulate in the kidneys and liver.

Benefits of organic food

  • Organic products such as meat and milk contain 50% omega-3 fatty acids, a type of unsaturated healthy fat that does not increase the total calories.

  • Sustainable crop-growing practices yield food with more nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, micronutrients and enzymes.

  • Organic food grown in a balanced soil automatically tastes better than conventionally grown crops.

  • No synthetic hormones or antibiotics are fed to the livestock, making organic food intrinsically safer to consume.

  • Organic products have higher levels of antioxidants and do not pose a risk of harmful pesticides or other potentially harmful chemicals.

  • They contain essential nutrients as soon as they are harvested and should be consumed relatively quickly

  • A lower risk of water or soil pollution has a positive effect on human well-being and the environment.

  • Organic foods cannot be modified from the point of their DNA to be free of pesticides or produce insecticides. It is free of (GMO) genetically modified organisms or genetically manipulated

  • Organic farming plays a positive role in the environment as it reduces pollution and soil erosion, increases soil fertility, saves water and uses less energy

It’s hard to overlook the problems that come from exposure to toxins from conventionally grown foods. The wake of factors such as birth defects, obesity, learning disabilities and water pollution is driving a valuable change for organic label marketing. The growth in this dynamic sector can contribute to protecting the environment and stabilizing a healthy life.

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Why should you buy organic food?

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