Will there be an increase in coronavirus cases in Guatemala?

Michael Taylor

Global Courant

The World Health Organization ended the health emergency due to covid-19 in the world; however, seasonal changes that increase temperature and humidity are conducive to rebounds in cases, although not significant, the Ministry of Health announced.

Epidemiologists have stated that the covid-19 virus no longer has the same level of danger as at the beginning, because more people have complete vaccination schedules and doctors have acquired more knowledge on how to diagnose and treat this disease, to avoid complications.


The symptoms caused by the flu, influenza and covid-19 are similar and range from mild and severe to deadly. The three viruses are transmitted by contact with the droplets that the infected expel when coughing, sneezing, talking and objects that they contaminated.

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To prevent infections, specialists recommend taking care of hand hygiene, coughing and sneezing into the crease of the elbow or into a disposable handkerchief.

They also consider that flu viruses can spread faster, since their incubation period is three days, while that of covid-19 is five or six.

Respiratory disease specialists urge getting vaccinated against influenza and flu every year, although they emphasize that this vaccine is not effective against the covid-19 virus.

Among the most common diseases of the time, according to the Health portfolio, are colds or colds, which if not treated in time can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia, and put lives at risk.

where did the information?

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The Ministry of Health is officially in charge of reporting everything related to covid-19 since March 12, 2020, when President Alejandro Giammattei confirmed the first case in Guatemala. In social circles it is said that with the start of the rainy season, covid cases could increase. The virus was diagnosed in a 27-year-old patient who arrived in the country on March 12 of that year, after returning from a trip to Madrid, Spain, with a stopover in Bogotá, Colombia, and San Salvador. To prevent the virus from spreading, the country was ordered closed and a curfew was declared, which established schedules for the circulation of heavy transport to the ports, as well as food, water, medicine and propane gas, and an attempt was made to guarantee the supply of basic services such as water, energy, telephone and internet.

Which is the context?

The epidemiological traffic light has maintained an average of two thousand active cases in recent weeks. However, sudden changes in weather, ranging from excessive heat to downpours, are considered factors that affect the transmission of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, indicate epidemiologists. For this reason, specialists reiterate that the peaks of respiratory infections reach our country in June and July, due to the prevailing mixture of high temperatures and humidity. Respiratory diseases also arise in November and December, due to the cold season. The specialists explain that the health problems that are most activated are allergies, which are characterized by runny nose, difficulty breathing, and in some cases —especially in asthmatics— coughing, wheezing, but not always with fever. . Pulmonologist Marco Antonio Flores says that the flu is characterized by a fever of no more than 38 degrees. However, the flu develops symptoms of cough, sore throat, and a more severe fever that may initially be similar to covid-19.

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The Minister of Health, Francisco Coma, specified that there will be a rebound in cases in the coming weeks due to the rainy season. “It is already known that there is a relationship of slight increase in cases associated with the season of the year. We have already seen an increase of up to 9.74% in other years, when we came at 5%, but I don’t think it will go further,” said the official. For her part, Nancy Sandoval, an infectologist at the Guatemalan Association of Infectious Diseases, explained that just as in countries where covid-19 has transitioned to an endemic phase, Guatemalans will also have to live with the virus, as is the case with the flu. and the flu. The epidemiologist emphasizes that although the covid-19 virus is no longer an emergency, peaks or epidemic outbreaks can occur during these months, as occurs with the seasonal flu. That is why she recommends treating any infection, trying to ensure that there is natural ventilation in all spaces, avoiding crowds, and maintaining proper hand hygiene. On July 27, 2020, the epidemiological traffic light began to work to find out about the covid situation in all departments. With the information on the number of infections and the tests carried out, the Government made decisions. Sandoval adds that due to the low number of cases in the country, at some point this control measure could be replaced, and that the virus in question will surely be included in the epidemiological surveillance system for acute respiratory infections that exists for other diseases. .

Will there be an increase in coronavirus cases in Guatemala?

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