a man was shot in the back

Robert Collins

Global Courant

Neighbors saw a person running away from the scene. They have not yet identified the victim.

A new crime shocked Rosario this Thursday, where a man was shot in the back while riding a bicycle through the Godoy neighborhood, in the southern part of the city of Santa Fe.

The tragic episode occurred around 5:00 p.m. this Thursday in Passage Volta at 7,100, north of the intersection of February 27 and Guatemala, near one of the walls of the La Piedad Cemetery.

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There they found the body next to a beach bike. The Police verified that there were five pods served next to the body, which had bullet wounds in the back. Meanwhile, personnel from the Integrated Health Emergencies System (SIES) confirmed the death.

Violence in Rosario: a man riding a bicycle was shot in the back. Photo: Juan Jose Garcia.

Neighbors in the area said that, after hearing the shots, they saw a man running away from the place. There are still no suspects and they analyze the security cameras in the neighborhood in search of clues.

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“The neighborhood is not dangerous. I have lived here for many years and nothing like this ever happens. Here the situation is not like in other neighborhoods. They say that the victim was from the neighborhood, but I don’t know,” said a neighbor in dialogue with La Capital .

Meanwhile, a woman recounted: “I heard the shots. This neighborhood is dangerous like all of them, but this had never happened before. I was scared. I thought the business had been shot. I looked out and saw no one. Then I went out the gate and I saw that there was a person on the floor.”

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Violence in Rosario: a man riding a bicycle was shot in the back. Photo: Juan Jose Garcia.

By nightfall, they still had not been able to identify the victim. The Infantry Guard Corps (CGI) worked at the crime scene, together with criminal experts and detectives from the Homicide Division. The prosecutor on duty Adrián Spelta intervened.

Background in Rosario: A 17-year-old boy was shot dead

A 17-year-old teenager was shot to death in a southwestern neighborhood of Rosario, on June 10. The same night, there was another murder in Fray Luis Beltrán, in the department of San Lorenzo.

The first event had Uriel Valenzuela as a victim. The boy was shot at by unknown persons at the Circunvalación and Rivarola avenue collector, in the Godoy neighborhood, southeast of Rosario.

A 17-year-old boy was murdered in Rosario on Saturday night. Photo File / Juan José García

According to police sources to Télam, two agents in a patrol car found the teenager wounded by a gunshot and transferred him to the Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital (HECA), where the emergency doctor diagnosed that he had gunshot wounds to the chest and both sides. legs.

The victim remained in serious condition and after suffering a cardiac arrest died around 10 p.m. success.

On the same Saturday night, a 41-year-old man was shot to death in a neighborhood of Fray Luis Beltrán, department of San Lorenzo, 25 kilometers from the center of Rosario.

The fatal victim was identified as Lucas Daniel Ríos, 41, who on Saturday at 9:30 p.m. was attacked with bullets by unknown persons in Presidente Perón at 600, police sources told Télam.

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a man was shot in the back

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